kodi on synology

al was working fine...
Kodi on a central database on the webserver of my nas with SQL

Yesterday my tv went to the new version omega.
It say one moment please transporting database, but that's it.

On my pc nexus is still running fine.
any idea what the problem can be?
nobodyHuh with an solution?
There seems to be some issue with updating the database on MySQL/Mariadb.

It's being looked into, but you can find some suggestions in this post and also in this one.
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Thanks you, I have a look, later on this week.

On my pc I did not get that update, only on my tv.
Nexus on my pc runs fine
Is it possible in the meanwhile, to get nexus back, and  prevent it to update to the new one?
The update would be through the app store on the TV - Kodi itself never self-updates, it will only make you aware that an update is available.

Depending on what OS your TV runs, you may be able to sideload an older version (for example if it's Android), but that may be tricky on a TV.
You can get the APK file from our mirrors, but getting it onto the TV and then executing it would require some kind of file manager (if the TV allows it at all).
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@DarrenHill thanks,

Will have a look , tv runs android, so I think that should work.

Before I go on with sideloading, another question.

The new kodi has, if I understood it correctly, a bug so it does not handle sql correctly?
I can still run movies, another way, but I love kodi.

What are my best options, I mean can I just wait on a new release and will that bug be fixed?
Or go back to Nexus, and force the tv not to update that version?
There is a manual fix that seems to work for some people for the SQL problem (see here and here for reports and that manual solution).

If that's something you're comfortable with, you can try that.

If you do roll back, then as your older database files should still be there, then Nexus should pick those up and use them.
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