Finding incorrectly indexed files?
i was rather ill-disciplined when I originally added files to Kodi. Consequently I can't find many of them unless I dig down into 'Files'.

I would like to clean up my media files so they're correctly indexed. Is there a strategy I can use to filter out the incorrectly indexed media files, or an addon that can help, please?

This wiki entry shows the correct naming convention for movies. Is that what you need?
Quote ronie: "Estuary is a giant piece of crap." Looking for a new quote. Ideas?
Not really - I'm now aware of the correct naming convention. I want to filter out the incorrectly named files in order to rename them.

Thanks for the reply.

(2024-05-15, 13:41)jamesford Wrote: Is there a strategy I can use to filter out the incorrectly indexed media files,
No not really. Kodi would not know they are incorrectly scraped.
It is just a matter of going through your listing and remembering whether that movie is a movie you should have.
Once you find an incorrect movie, from the Information page, select Refresh, then pick the correct one from the list.
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Might be an option to export video to separate (nfo) files then use one of the 3rd party media managers.  I think Media Companion (I am familiar with) might make it easier to deal with.

scott s.
(2024-05-15, 23:16)scott967 Wrote: Might be an option to export video to separate (nfo) files then use one of the 3rd party media managers.  I think Media Companion (I am familiar with) might make it easier to deal with.

scott s.

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If you have some SQL skills, you could query the local video db (or remote depending on your setup) for the records of the files table that don't have a match in the movies table (using idFile as the cross reference). That would get you close to what you're looking for.
For v21 you'd look for records of files not in the videoversion table instead.
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(2024-05-24, 05:24)CrystalP Wrote: If you have some SQL skills, you could query the local video db (or remote depending on your setup) for the records of the files table that don't have a match in the movies table (using idFile as the cross reference). That would get you close to what you're looking for.
For v21 you'd look for records of files not in the videoversion table instead.

Kodi Selective Cleaner has the capability you describe and the ability to automatically clean where missing movie entries exist.


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Finding incorrectly indexed files?0