Creating custom joystick xml
Hey, I wonder if someone can help me, I'm still using Kodi 17.6 because I created my own custom joystick config which acts a lot like the original xbmc joystick settings, the thing is I want to upgrade to the latest version of Kodi but a lot has changed in the way things are handled now with joystick.xml and my custom controller config no longer works.

I had a read-through of the way things are implemented and tried to create a simple custom config for testing but no matter where I put the config file Kodi just seems to ignore it and defaults to its original settings for controllers, in Kodi 17.6 I just put it in C:\Kodi17\portable_data\userdata\keymaps and it worked fine but placing it in C:\Kodi20\portable_data\userdata\keymaps doesn't seem to work could someone please help me so I can finally move over to the latest version, I can upload my config to a host site or even on here if it's allowed and I can work out how to do it.

Thanks for looking at my request.
Might want to look around C:\Kodi-Omega\Kodi\portable_data\addons\  game.controller.default etc.
Admit I have not been able to really figure out how controller configuration works now, but my general understanding is joystick.xml is designed to map xbox controller buttons etc to Kodi actions.  To get your actual hardware to work with joystick.xml you need to use the controller dialog that in addition maps the actual buttons on the physical controller to the xbox buttons.  There are controller addons in the repo for various physical controllers to help this process, but my understanding if a specific controller addon doesn't exist you can still use game.controller.default to map your physical buttons.

So I think you are limited to the total number of inputs on the xbox controller (buttons and analog sticks) to run Kodi.

scott s.
Looks like I will be sticking to Kodi 17.6 then as I'm used to the way my Xbox Elite 2 controller is set up.

About 18 months ago I bought the Inteset remote control Model #422-3 with the IR to use with Windows 11 & Kodi but I don't understand how to set it up some buttons work as expected like play, pause etc but I don't understand how to program things like adding a queue button or to flip back to the previous menu while leaving the current video playing.

On my Elite 2 controller, Button Y would change the picture size while playing a video but if I pressed Button X it would take me back to the previous menu while leaving the video playing and then button Y became the queue button this is why I wanted to transfer my custom controller config over.

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Creating custom joystick xml0