XBOX Libratised film failing to play
Dear all,

Not sure what's up here, looking for any help 🙏🏻

I have a uPnP video library shared from my RaspPi2b.

-downstairs, Kodi running on SeriesX, a source has been added for the uPnP library 👍🏻

-most movies play no problem on the SeriesX (ideal behaviour), but a few do not. 'failed to play' error.

I looked at the LOG file but can't understand what's going wrong. My install wouldn't let me copy the kodi.log to anywhere on my LAN (failed to copy) using Kodi File manager. (Don't know why). --many of my SMB and LAN locations have write access.

-kodi attempts to copy (0%) , then fails.

Not sure why that is.
- I then ran an FTP server on my Android (using X-Plore file man), added that as a source on Kodi, attempted copy from Profile folder > to the phone, again failed. (not sure why)

In the end, I uploaded using the Log Uploader Add-On. 😋

----can anyone see why my video fails to play?

KODI log file
Kind regs, Pants.
Looks to me like it's having trouble connecting:

CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Open - <> Failed with code 404:
Is "Libratised" a word? If it's not, it should be.   Nod
Quote ronie: "Estuary is a giant piece of crap." Looking for a new quote. Ideas?

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