Bug VideoPlayer.IMDBNumber infolabel returns TMDB ID for certain movies

I use a4ksubtitles as my subtitle provider and have noticed that for certain movies it fails to search for subtitles, instead displaying "IMDB ID is not provided". Initially I thought this was either due to the scraper not finding an IMDB ID for more obscure movies or a bug within a4ksubtitles itself - but after taking a look at the database myself, all affected movies do indeed have an IMDB ID associated with them. Looking into it further, I found that a call to xmbc.getInfoLabel("VideoPlayer.IMDBNumber") inside the addon will instead return the TMDB ID for the affected movies, even though the IMDB ID is available. Unfortunately despite following the build guide I couldn't get a debug build to work to debug or fix the issue within xbmc myself, though admittedly I'm probably out of my depth a little there.

Regardless, I suspect "VideoPlayer.IMDBNumber" should not be returning a TMDB ID?
I don't think "VideoPlayer.IMDBNumber" should be used for that purpose.  I think the proper method is to get the InfoTagVideo and then call method getUniqueID(imdb).
tag = xbmc.Player().getVideoInfoTag()
imdbid = tag.getUniqueID(imdb)
if imdbid:
    do something
    maybe query online api for a valid imdbid?

scott s.
Apologies for the late reply, but that does seem to work, thanks! I've modified the addon myself for now and I'll see about opening an issue / submitting a pull request with the authors as well.
(2024-05-25, 16:09)aeonvex Wrote: Apologies for the late reply, but that does seem to work, thanks! I've modified the addon myself for now and I'll see about opening an issue / submitting a pull request with the authors as well.

Nice to hear. Thank you. This will help many other people with the same issue Smile

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VideoPlayer.IMDBNumber infolabel returns TMDB ID for certain movies0