Linux Low Quality Audio and Reverb - RPi400
I started watching some videos and the audio quality sounds low. There is also some reverb. I compared the audio by playing the same music on a separate device through the same amp and speakers. Music seems the same. I played videos on two different devices. The video's audio quality is definitely different, wrong sounding, on LibreELEC.

LibreELEC v12.0.0 running on a Raspberry Pi 400.
Audio goes through the TV via HDMI and outputs to an amplifier over RCA cables.

KODI.log -
Audio.log -
System.log -
Okay today it wasn't bad. I dunno. Somebody analyze my logs, tell me I am crazy!
The analog audio output of the Pi is pretty low quality in nature.
(2024-06-06, 11:53)sarbes Wrote: The analog audio output of the Pi is pretty low quality in nature.

But "Audio goes through the TV via HDMI and outputs to an amplifier over RCA cables".
So the quality should be bit perfect to the TV.

I'd expect any issue to be between the TV and amp.
Oh, nvm then
Issue came back. Two different video files played with lower quality audio than expected. Happened when I loaded up an episode of The Boys. The low quality audio persisted when I also tested with an episode of The Simpsons.

KODI.log -
I'm going to suggest that you look for any surround sound settings on the TV and disable them, and same for your amplifier.

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Low Quality Audio and Reverb - RPi4000