Force GUI peak luminance for HDR content setting to always be visible in settings
Hey guys,

forgive my ignorance if this is the wrong thread or something like this has been covered before. But I would like to know if there's a way to force the setting 'GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode' to be "active" or rather always visible in settings? I've got an Ugoos android video box hooked up to a Samsung TV but it's a bit twitchy and buggy sometimes as it doesn't always like the ''Input signal plus'' from Samsung which expands the color depth range of the HDMI connection (8/10/12 bit) which is the only way I get the 'GUI peak luminance in HDR PQ mode' setting to be available and functional.

Basically I would like to have the option available also at a "8 bit connection", because it's way more stable between my android box and TV.

Thanks for any suggestions!
Surely once it's set you can forget about it?

If you're having trouble though you can change it by editing its value (videoscreen.guipeakluminance) in the guisettings.xml.
Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Although the parameters are set in guisettings.xml, something appears to be ignoring them when I set to a 8 bit color depth connection. My guess is whatever android parameter Kodi requires to make this setting available isn't getting triggered like it does when (in my case) I enable Samsung's 'Input Signal Plus'.
If for example I enable 'ISP' then the setting is visible, if afterwards I disable it the settings stays visible and still works, but after a reboot it disappears and stops working. As far as I can tell the parameters in guisettings.xml stay the same in both cases - at least that line of code for guipeakluminance.

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Force GUI peak luminance for HDR content setting to always be visible in settings0