Listen to streams from embedded players?
Greetings all.  Is there a way to listen to audio streams from embedded players?  The website of my local radio station (WDET) uses an embedded player.  So you can listen to many recent shows by accessing them through their website.  They use an embedded player that appears to be called SGplayer, which  (I guess) is provided by Stream Guys.  

Anyway, the link below is an example.  At the top of the page, there is a link to listen to the live broadcast.  This would be very nice to do in my basement (where FM reception is poor).  Further down the page, there are links to recent shows that can be played on demand.  It would be great to stream these through my Kodi setup instead of having to navigate a browser.

Is there a way to add these as a source in Kodi?  Or some other way to access these streams? 


(2024-08-04, 03:07)petehouk Wrote: Is there a way to add these as a source in Kodi?  Or some other way to access these streams? 

There is, but you have to do some detective work yourself unfortunately.  Basically, you have to find the address of the live-stream server, and then pass that to Kodi.

I did this in Firefox by opening the page link you gave, right clicking and choosing inspect.  Then in the box that opens at the bottom, selecting "network" on the left and "all" on the right.  I then clicked on the "play" button in the main page and watched the network links appear in the box at the bottom.

The required link for the live stream is  You can put that link into an m3u file (eg, detroit.m3u) and open it in Kodi and it will play the stream.  You can use the same methods to work out the links to the on demand stuff.

I use Kodi this way a lot to listen to radio.  However, getting the links is a bit of a pain at times.  Fortunately, for the UK, there is a website that lists UK streaming stations.  The links however are all obscured and right clicking is disabled on the site.  BUT, clicking on a station gives me an m3u file that I can either save or open in vlc.  vlc displays the resolved link and I just copy that for Kodi.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Thanks black_eagle!  I got the livestream of WDET to play in Kodi, which is a very good improvement for me!

I can't figure out how to stream the individual episodes of previous shows, though.  Do you have any guidance on those?

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Listen to streams from embedded players?0