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Impossible to delete movie entry in the movie library...
Hi Kodi users / helpers !

I am running Kodi on a Nvidia Shield, my movies are stored on a usb drive.

Everyfing whas fine until the last update of Kodi, it seems.

Now I am unable to delete video entry in the video library. When I try to delete a movie using the local menu, the entry disappear for 2 seconds and then reappear.

All authorizations in Kodi and in Android are ok (the same as when all was working well).

Please, could you help me the to restore this essential fonctionality ?

Many thanks for your kind attention and help.


Marc, ensure that in system that you have advanced or expert mode on; with settings>media>general>Allow file renaming & deletion flag toggled. Deletion of the file will target the movie file and .info only (so if you have images, extras, thumbs, trailers, logo's... placed by 3rd party applications they will stay but should not show up, you will have to deal with these extras manually atm). The cache will still show the image as if the movie still exists, but trying to play it will show it's gone with some error. Utilizing the system settings again in media>library>the function clean library will delete the listing in the library and the issue should be gone gone.. 

If your media is not available, e.g. the drive/source is unplugged, no real deletion will happen and the library will include the listing on next scan.

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Impossible to delete movie entry in the movie library...0