Looking for a basic skin that lists subtitles
The default skin Estuary has served me well, but it doesn't show the available subs for a movie.

I won't bend your ear with the "whys", but I REALLY NEED THIS FEATURE.

I tried hacking Estuary for this but the API is buggy and it just became a bottomless rabbit hole.

So... I'm looking for a basic skin that can already do this.

All it needs to do is list the subs available for a movie in my media library — any format, MKV, DVD, SRT, SUB/IDX files —, and simple is best, e.g., EN, FR, ES, JP, ZH, etc. right on the main page.

I guess(?) I need to create NFO files to capture this information, but I still need a skin that will display what comes from the NFO file.

Any suggestions?

Thanks !

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