Changes to the .actors folder in TV Shows
If you use local artwork this change may affect you.

Currently local actor images are saved in numerous locations for TV Shows. Main cast are saved in the .actors folder in the TV show folder and episode cast are saved in the .actors folder in each Season folder. eg...
...\TV Show Source\Dune Prophecy\.actors\
...\TV Show Source\Dune Prophecy\Season 1\.actors\

Recently a bug was discovered in Kodi related to the scanning of local actors images for episodes. A bug report was submitted here...
Essentially, Kodi would export actor images to the season .actors folder, but would not import those same images, instead downloading online images or no image if an actors image URL was not available.

A fix is here and has been merged into the Master branch and available in KodiSetup-20241229-53995306 and later builds.
A backport for v21 has been raised here and will be merged for the upcoming v21.2 release

This PR fixes the reported bug by changing the existing behaviour.
The season .actors folder is no longer used. Instead all actor images will be saved in the TV Show .actors folder.
...\TV Show Source\Dune Prophecy\.actors\
...\TV Show Source\Dune Prophecy\Season 1\.actors\ (no longer used)

Effects on the user...
1. Reduction of duplicated folders and images
2. Requires the images in the existing season .actors folders to be moved into the tv show .actors folder.

These changes will only effect users when...
1. You update to a recent master nightly build or v21.2 when released, and
2. You add new tv shows and/or episodes or rebuild your library.
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