Remote control without the pain of Lirc, almost there

I bought a cheap cyberlink remote control with a USB receiver and I'm trying my best to get it to work.
Right now I've managed to get most basic keys working (play/pause) thanks to the fact that it sends through normal keypresses for numbers. I'm then using a logitech harmony remote and I map the number 2 for example to Play.

Now I want to get extra keys working, for things like going directly to music, videos, etc.

I've read up a lot and found this which describes how my remote works:

Basically my remote shows up as /dev/input/event3
After installing dvb-utils I can use this command to see keypresses: sudo evtest /dev/input/event3

All going well so far. Now, how do I get XBMC to know about these extra keys? I tried putting this in my Keymaps file:
<remote name="TopSeed Tech Corp. USB IR Combo Device">

But when I press the key nothing happens + nothing is seen in my xbmc.log file.

Just to make it a bit more complicated I'm not sure if I'm using the right name for the remote, /proc/bus/input/devices shows it as:
N: Name="TopSeed Tech Corp. USB IR Combo Device "

Should I include the space at the end as well? (I did try and it didn't seem to change anything.)

I also found this post:

It describes using an app called KeyWatcher. I was going to try to use this to handle starting + stopping XBMC via a key on the remote.

Any help getting this to work is greatly appreciated. I've almost got my integrated file server/dns server/svn server/family friendly xbmc HD capable system working and this is the final step.
What exactly is the 'pain' of lirc ? Here's what I did to get my MCE remote to work with lirc.

apt-get install lirc
select MCE remote from list.

done. Not much pain in that Wink
Same here as for cejstrup - no "pain" involved with LIRC for me at all. In fact, I am sat here operating XBMC fully using a remote control that I was warned in the shop isn't even supported by Windows XP.

Honestly, the pain of mapping remote presses to key presses to functions in XBMC seems the greater pain.
cejstrup Wrote:What exactly is the 'pain' of lirc ? Here's what I did to get my MCE remote to work with lirc.

apt-get install lirc
select MCE remote from list.

done. Not much pain in that Wink
Yup, it was actually the most painless part of getting stuff to work as it should. Smile
I had lirc working with the xbox dvd remote, but now I need that to stay with my old xbox for the kids to use. I can't get the setup menu of lirc to run again to choose mce. Also there where two types to choose from, something like old or new. Which is right for my remote?

After doing the lirc installation how did you configure the buttons in XBMC? Could someone post a portion of the keymaps.xml?
I've got the same remote and have read almost all the threds about remotes, this device is actually a keyboard (and I'm not sure if MCE is a keyboard or not)
It basically works fine for up, down, left, right and OK but thats it

Stuff that I tried:
looking in the xbmc.log to see what the keys it thinks are being pressed (sometime you get "onKey ... <number> and that number goes in keymap.xml, however there are other keys that have different text that are not onKey command but to do with USB... Havn't got this working at all yet.

using irw from the lirc package no keys were seen at all so after reading loads about lirc and reloading it and re-configuring it to both the MCE (old and new philips) I gave up.

Just finished getting new version of ubuntu up and running so this weekend will get back to sorting the remote out

If you get this to work let me know as I'm very much new to xbmc and ubuntu (learning fast though)
i had Cyberlink also. I had tried for an week to get it to work, but no success Sad
I just bot a MCE remote which works from the start Smile
But now i've changed my chase and bought an Antec Fusion Remote which comes with iMON remote and the sleepless nights are back ! Sad
TC!! Wrote:I had lirc working with the xbox dvd remote, but now I need that to stay with my old xbox for the kids to use. I can't get the setup menu of lirc to run again to choose mce. Also there where two types to choose from, something like old or new. Which is right for my remote?

After doing the lirc installation how did you configure the buttons in XBMC? Could someone post a portion of the keymaps.xml?

I did nothing to setup my keys in XBMC with my MCE remote - it just worked! Now however I'm trying to find another remote\receiver and am running into trouble since the old MCE remotes seem to have dried up. eBay here I come...
Openelec Gotham, MCE remote(s), Intel i3 NUC, DVDs fed from unRAID cataloged by DVD Profiler. HD-DVD encoded with Handbrake to x.264. Yamaha receiver(s)
Andrewishy Wrote:Just finished getting new version of ubuntu up and running so this weekend will get back to sorting the remote out

If you get this to work let me know as I'm very much new to xbmc and ubuntu (learning fast though)

did you had luck yet?

have a asus nova p22 mini-pc with a TopSeed Tech Corp. USB IR Combo Device.
after reading so many threads and different forums i'm really stucked in finding a solution.

what i know now:
1. lirc doesnt work for those kind of remotes that shown as input devices (like the my and yours)
2. for linux cracks there is a possibilty to "remap" every input from the remote to lirc by installing "inputlirc". i'm not that familiar with the deeps of linux and gave up reading it.

if someone got a HID-like Remote working just tell. i'll think i buy a original xbox 1 remote now. i dont want to get more grey hairs Wink
-= XBMC Lover © 2006 =-
XBMC @ Lenovo Q180, harmony one, Sony Bravia KDL-55W905, Marantz SR5006, MySQL XBMC Database @ Synology DS-409+ (thx Firnsy)
XBMC @ Lenovo Q150 and a Panasonic Plasma for bedrooming ;)
TC!! Wrote:Hi,

I bought a cheap cyberlink remote control with a USB receiver and I'm trying my best to get it to work.


Basically my remote shows up as /dev/input/event3
After installing dvb-utils I can use this command to see keypresses: sudo evtest /dev/input/event3

All going well so far.

I have the same remote, and the number buttons and arrow buttons etc are recognised as a USB keyboard and work nicely. My remote's "mouse" input shows up as /dev/input/event2 according to cat /proc/bus/input/devices. I installed dvb-utils and ran sudo evtest /dev/input/event2 to see if it picked up the other buttons. It lists the button codes, but does not pick up the button presses.

Was there anything else you installed or configured to make evtest work with this remote? crasam apparently got this remote working, see
That site has a program that lets you map all of the buttons on the cyberlink remote to keyboard presses.

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Remote control without the pain of Lirc, almost there0