I am getting a sound bug in one of my dvdrips?
Hey Guys,

I tried playing a xvid dvdrip I got of the X files movie. After about ten seconds from starting the video the sound loops, it keeps repeating the same sound over and over again. I jump forward into the movie and then it picks another sound to loop over and over again. When I exit XBMC and trying the movie on my desktop with WMP11 it plays perfectly. So Idon't understand what's wrong?
Hard to help when you provide little information to go on. What are the details of the video? Use some tool to get the details such as video/audio codecs being used.

What about the a debug log?

What about a sample for the devs to try with?

Which version of XBMC?

There is plenty more details that you should be providing.

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I am getting a sound bug in one of my dvdrips?0