T3ch no more?
the latest T3ch release is the 8.10 final.
Developement switched to linux....
No more SVN release for xbox?
Yea AFAIK arnova will continue to patch parts of xbmc for us xbox users but he has said he will only do simple stuff and prob wont add any new features. Something along those lines anyway. I really hope we could get the music fanart working on the xbox the way TV shows and films work.
Problem with Music fanart is, where are the sources?
(Until they are found I wouldn't hold my breath for them in general)
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Just because arnova is merging doesn't mean t3ch will be releasing. Last I heard he wasn't too keen on continuing.
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Let me clear things up: the plan is to merge all simple stuff. This can *still* be feature enhancements. The main reason is the amount of work major changes would imply (when merging) but also I don't like the Xbox-XBMC to grow too much as Xbox only has 64Mb of RAM.

And for the TS question: AFAIK t3ch will be releasing once in a while but not in a timely/scheduled manner as he did before (biweekly). So maybe once a month, maybe longer, dunno. If you really like to always run the latest version I'd suggest to compile yourself: it's really easy when you use the steps described in our Wiki.
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
I would love to be able to compile my own XBMC but the fact its near impossible to get the XDK now so there is a good chance alot of us will be not be able to compile XBMC and will have to rely on others do do it for us.

on the + note could you confirm if the new RMTP fix has been merged please.
The RTMP patch was already merged in the previous merge window (but I guess there are no new binaries yet)...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
arnova Wrote:The RTMP patch was already merged in the previous merge window (but I guess there are no new binaries yet)...

ok thank you for the fast reply.
arnova Wrote:The RTMP patch was already merged in the previous merge window (but I guess there are no new binaries yet)...

Does that mean wait for T3CH? I'm in no way rushing anyone.... I just dont know.... I'm into Optical networking so genuinely dont know... Big Grin
Simple stuff is great if you ask me! I think XBMC is good as it is feature wise and I think this means that someone will be paying more attention to certain areas that are buggy rather than concentrating on new features and how to get them to run properly.
OK i found the XDK and VS 2003 bloody wasn't easy lol now i can compile my own builds thanks for updating the svn now iplayer works flawlessly.

Ok it doesn't freeze any more it just pauses at the end of a program for a little while then finishes also no more pausing at the beginning.
Rocky5 Wrote:OK i found the XDK and VS 2003 bloody wasn't easy lol now i can compile my own builds thanks for updating the svn now iplayer works flawlessly.

Ok it doesn't freeze any more it just pauses at the end of a program for a little while then finishes also no more pausing at the beginning.

Any pointers? obviosly you cant say exactly.... but I think I need to learn how to do this... Eek
arnova Wrote:The RTMP patch was already merged in the previous merge window (but I guess there are no new binaries yet)...

The patch i was talking about hasn't been put in yet so i took up the challenge and done it my self and it worked so here are the two new files for peeps that want the fix and can compile XBMC.

New RTMP Fix Patch ( Fixed by Frosty merged by me Big Grin ) this is just the .cpp and .h files.

Streams start instantly and no pausing to buffer also the crash at the end no longer exists Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin.
T3ch has now updated her build. The new build has the RTMP patches....

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