Importing Video Library - Actor thumbs not loading
First I scan the videos and they get added to my library. Everything is working correctly including the actor thumbs. Then I export the library as separate files into nfos with the fanarts and covers. When I do a fresh install of XBMC and scan the same movies with the exported nfos, all the information, fanart, and covers loads up except the actor thumbs. But if I scan a new movie with out a nfo, the everything works as they should.

SVN Rev 16723
Same problem here. I've noticed if I edit the nfo files and change this:

        <name>Morgan Freeman</name>

to this:

        <name>Morgan Freeman</name>

Then it works.
You're right, that works. So the problem is the way XBMC is exporting the thumbs in the nfos?
looks like a typo in the export part of xbmc as &lt is the code for < so it looks like its being included twice.

Best is this raise a ticket in trac and add the details from here to it so the dev's can have a look at it.
(maybe first search trac before posting as somebody might have found it already...)
Ok. I made a ticket:
On a side note, and what I've been using as a workaround, is just loading up all my nfo's in XBMC Media Companion and then running "Update Ratings & Votes for all movies". It cleans everything up. It does strip out fanart and cover thumb url's though because it assumes you have those stored locally... which I do. Smile

An original xbmc exported nfo file like this:

Gets turned into this with media companion:

good workaround, however it would be better if we get this fixed in the code.
currently I have no clue where in the code this is done, but i'm pretty sure one of the dev's might point to it so I can have a look and/or fix it.
It seems that the thumbs only work the first time, when the movie is originally scanned. The thumbs are able to cache while the scraper is downloading the movie info. But once the cache (or database) is cleared and restored with nfos, the thumbs aren't able to download again.
where does the svn export the files? i was looking to import them but cant find the files in .xbmc in my home dir

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Importing Video Library - Actor thumbs not loading0