"Porting" PM3.HD theme to cellphonethemes
I love the new pm3 skin and i am wondering wether or not it would be ok to make a theme based of off the graphics in this awsome theme? If anyone that were involved with the creation of this skin wants too i can post my work so far or pm the theme file I will not post the themefile here unless I get permission from Choke or Jezz-X to do so. So far i have tried making it for a Sony Ericsson C905 but it is easily converted to lower or higher models of SE phones.

If any other than choke wsa responible for pm3.hd it would be nice if anyone told me who made itWink
i figure you might want to see some previews for the theme so here goes



Please give me thoughts and ideas for improvement.
Its all Open source you can do as you wish with it
Thanks for asking and telling though its appreciated


I can downport to other SE Phones if requested.
Your feedback is welcome and if these links die you can get the themes at lasyk.net where i will post them as soon as they are approved.
i made a pm3 theme for my nokia N958G (s60v3 phones) a couple of years ago. i shall post some screens when i next get the chance and even the installation file if any ones interested
ok here it is. unfortunately iv only made it with the blue theme as thats what i use with xbmc and there is no version without icons. and these icons where made with png's so they will show up fine on a 240x320 screen. they may look a little fuzzy on different sized screens.

that said, if anyone has or would like to make some vector icons for scaling perposes, please do and forward them to me and il add them to the theme.


download here - http://www.mediafire.com/?0bgzd92s1kd

if you get a certificate error alter you phones date to 2007 to install
magfal Wrote:XBMC-c905


I can downport to other SE Phones if requested.
Your feedback is welcome and if these links die you can get the themes at lasyk.net where i will post them as soon as they are approved.

Would the K810 theme work on a K800i or would you need to convert it? Thanks!
it shoudl work as it is the same phone in a new plastic shell
rudeboyx Wrote:ok here it is. unfortunately iv only made it with the blue theme as thats what i use with xbmc and there is no version without icons. and these icons where made with png's so they will show up fine on a 240x320 screen. they may look a little fuzzy on different sized screens.

that said, if anyone has or would like to make some vector icons for scaling perposes, please do and forward them to me and il add them to the theme.


download here - http://www.mediafire.com/?0bgzd92s1kd

if you get a certificate error alter you phones date to 2007 to install
Nice one works fine on my N73 thanks
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
magfal Wrote:it shoudl work as it is the same phone in a new plastic shell

Cheers, works a treat Smile

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"Porting" PM3.HD theme to cellphonethemes0
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