Inconsistencies between platforms
Hi guys,

Longtime XBMC user (as far as XBMP) on the Xbox and have now been using
it on a Windows HTPC and a Mac OS X Mac Mini for several months now.

When i first started on the HTPC, i had noticed some of my stacking wasn't
working and when i pointed it out here, i was basically told that it never worked
like i said it did. This happened for a few other things such as the <advancedsettings> tag in the .XML file...

Anyway, my brother asked me to install XBMC on his Xbox about 2 months ago
and i did.

That is when i noticed things where i felt "vindicated" that i was actually right.

1st one : Filename Stacking

I used to name my movies like this :

Boogie Nights (1997) 01.avi
Boogie Nights (1997) 02.avi

And XBMC would stack it no problem. On the Xbox. Once i moved to Windows,
this no longer worked. I didn't make the association as back then, as i was
using an old T3CH build and started using the windows one at the alpha stage.

I posted here and was told to rename my files in this way :

Boogie Nights (1997) Part 1.avi
Boogie Nights (1997) Part 2.avi

So i renamed my HUGE collection and now it was working well on my HTPC
but once i tried my brother's Xbox, the stacking would show as :

Boogie Nights (1997) Part.avi

My question is, why isn't it the same on both platforms. It has nothing to do
with hardware since it's just regular expressions. I was under the impression
that all versions would be the same, except for specifics Xbox things such as
modchip and launching .xbes....

Anyway, second thing :

I noticed the Xbox has an Audio Volume Boost feature in the OSD controls.
Is this not coming to the Windows/Mac OS platform because of the hardware
or just nobody has requested it? It would be an awesome addition for the
people using something like a Mac Mini in the bedroom. When playing AC3
audio, i have to crank the TV volume too much and when i switch to the
other inputs, i have to lower the volume of the TV again. Pretty annoying.
I prefer using the XBMC volume that way i know my TV volume is always ok.

All this to ask a simple question : aren't all non-hardware features supposed to
be uniform on all the different flavors of XBMC?

Thanks for all the great work guys.

[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
1. Assuming you are comparing like versions, they will be identical in this regard. This does not necessarily always happen - xbox is far behind the linuxport branch in this regard, as it relies on someone (arnova in this case) taking the time to back merge any fixes The above example sounds like a bug in the xbox version.

2. It's being worked on at the moment, in fact, starting with rewriting the audio output stage so that filters such as this can be easily added in.

Obviously there's some things that haven't yet been ported to all platforms - generally they're almost always in the bits of code that are platform specific (i.e. they cannot be ported easily).

Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

Thanks for the clarification.

You guys rock.

[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
jmarshall Wrote:1. Assuming you are comparing like versions, they will be identical in this regard. This does not necessarily always happen - xbox is far behind the linuxport branch in this regard, as it relies on someone (arnova in this case) taking the time to back merge any fixes The above example sounds like a bug in the xbox version.

2. It's being worked on at the moment, in fact, starting with rewriting the audio output stage so that filters such as this can be easily added in.

Obviously there's some things that haven't yet been ported to all platforms - generally they're almost always in the bits of code that are platform specific (i.e. they cannot be ported easily).


Just wondering if there were any updates on item (2)...I am eagerly awaiting the ability to boost my audio on the Windows platform. I currently have both my TV and Speaker volume maxed out to no avail when playing AC3 Xvid files--the volume is still extremely (frustratingly) low.

I absolutely loved the ability to boost the volume on the Xbox platform, and can't wait to be able to do this on the Windows version.


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