2009-03-18, 20:19
Well you see .. when it detects.. um.. ok.. yup.. I missed that one
Tariella Wrote:I love your program.The mono port is still in early stages, but yes, I do have every intention to create that.
Are you still working on porting it to mono? The performance in linux on wine with .net is rather poor. I'm putting up with it tough, since your program is geat. But I'd prefer if it would eventually be able to run natively on linux - someday.
Of course for now the new functionality has more priority (even for me).
Waffa Wrote:The same, xbmc built in scraper wil first look into your movie files for info, thumb and fanart files before scraping from internet.
BroChaos Wrote:thanks for the tips guys!
just a couple of questions i didn't see covered in the wiki. what is the difference between precache and auto pilot? i'm wondering if i messed a setting up somewhere, first i ran precache, and then i ran auto pilot, so far all of my movies came back with a good fanart/background, but the poster is almost always some random wide icon that has nothing to do with the movie.
i'm guessing that happened because when i did the auto pilot, i put the primary selection as poster, and the second selection as wide icon. perhaps i should do it again but put poster for both. when i go back and look at the ones that automatically selected a wide icon (correct or incorrect), they do have posters available, i wonder why i didn't pick one?
MrDVD Wrote:How to disabled this episode.tbn under TV Shows ?
I disabled unter the settings but MIP still download and use it
I run
digitalhigh Wrote:There is now a scrapable site for MUSIC FANART!
fekker Wrote:changes
- fix don't download or use images for tv shows, not recommended as xbmc will try to go get one from tvdb if you don't have one, but it'll work correctly
- new movie detection when manually going through them.. after the usual checks for .nfo's it'll search imdb and give you the option to pick the right movie. Gives details on the movie and a poster (if available) from tmdb so you get a visual as to what it is.. see the screenshots portion for mip on the front page for what the ui looks like