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Media Info Plus - Manage your Movies, Shows, Tunes, NFO and more (Open Source VB.NET)
hikaricore Wrote:It's kinda silly arguing this point isn't it? Some of us like the source and resolution being shown, some of us don't.
These things never end with a victor just two irritated sides of the topic. :p

I'm not arguing...I'm asking for my own information. I have no desire to change the way anybody else does their media...I was just hoping I could be enlightened as to something I don't really see the point of. Wink

david81 Wrote:I did actually. Beautiful work on it, but it just didn't jive with the way I use media.

I may revisit it down the road, but for now, Aeon does most of what I need. The things it doesn't do, I can mod for once it is "complete".

I would be more than interested in a more in-depth explanation as to why it doesn't jive with the way you use media. Obviously, this is not the place, but if you could maybe send me a PM or post in the Serenity section...well, your input would be greatly valued.

JiveTalker Wrote:I guess the logic is that the movies with HDTV source will always be inferior picture quality to those that are BluRay source even if the resolution is the same so therefore it is worth distinguishing between them. HDDVD and BluRay on the other hand are pretty much identical visually, although obviously HDDVD will gradually disappear completely. I have a few HDTV movie recordings and they often tend to be quite grainey.

I understand your logic. The places I get my HD rips from typically touts everything as being BluRay, so I didn't take HDTV into consideration.

Perhaps then the proper solution would be to take the bitrate into consideration when defining what type of video it is?
digitalhigh Wrote:I understand your logic. The places I get my HD rips from typically touts everything as being BluRay, so I didn't take HDTV into consideration.

It's true that there are now far more bluray rips than hdtv rips around but for a couple of years there were mainly HDTV rips.

digitalhigh Wrote:Perhaps then the proper solution would be to take the bitrate into consideration when defining what type of video it is?

If it is 1080i then it is safe to assume it is HDTV. If it is 1080P then it is either bluray or hddvd, most likely bluray unless it is a movie from 2007 or earlier when it could be either. As far as I understand, all bluray or hddvd movie rips would be 24fps so anything else would definitely be sourced from tv. (I'm not sure whether the same can be said for tv shows on bluray which may use pal or ntsc framerates?).

I'm also not sure whether you would be able to distinguish between a 720P bluray rip and a 720P HDTV rip just by the bitrate. If you took a CGI animated movie as an example, an animated movie is mastered digitally and therefore every pixel would be a precisely calculated value. This precision means that it is very easily to heavily compress it with no noticable loss in quality. If you compared that to the same movie from a tv broadcast then (most likely) the source for the broadcast would not be a digital copy of the movie and therefore introduce a less precise element into the pixel shading meaning that it doesn't compress as easily as every pixel is a slightly different shade. Therefore a bluray rip could have a lower data rate and still look better.

Similarly, for non-animated movies., dirt and blemishes in the filmreels get digitally converted as "detail" and add to the complexity of the image, increasing the bitrate.
Jive talkin, just isnt a crime
I was thinking of a quality rating instead of the bluray, hdtv and so on.

I'm starting from this: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Ou/?p=962 so using resolution, codec and bitrate you can calculate a "Quality Rating". It could be a number and then it could be showed like a number or an icon (more or less like IMDB Rating system).

MaxNL Wrote:I was thinking of a quality rating instead of the bluray, hdtv and so on.

I'm starting from this: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Ou/?p=962 so using resolution, codec and bitrate you can calculate a "Quality Rating". It could be a number and then it could be showed like a number or an icon (more or less like IMDB Rating system).


I would say that based on the information given in that article, a rating system would be a very cool possibility. That's a pretty nice range of resolutions and bitrates...it wouldn't be hard at all to use that kind of criteria to classify stuff. IDK if this contradicts what you were saying too badly, Jivetalker. According to those standards, it would be pretty easy to identify said media based on the content, although poor conversion/compression would still throw a wrench into the works.
digitalhigh Wrote:I would say that based on the information given in that article, a rating system would be a very cool possibility. That's a pretty nice range of resolutions and bitrates...it wouldn't be hard at all to use that kind of criteria to classify stuff. IDK if this contradicts what you were saying too badly, Jivetalker. According to those standards, it would be pretty easy to identify said media based on the content, although poor conversion/compression would still throw a wrench into the works.

I think it would be an interesting exercise to see what figure is allocated to each clip but I'm still not sure the figure would be meaningful. Anything with fast movement or lots of camera changes will require higher bitrates to look good.

For example, if I were to compare 2 movies - one is a romcom/chick flick and the other is an action blockbuster. If they were both at the same resolution (perhaps 720P) and both ran for the same duration (say 90 minutes) then I would expect the file for the romcom to be around 4.3GB and the file for the action movie to be at least 6GB.

If there is little movement and infrequent camera changes then you can still get a very good image at a fairly low bitrate. I'm sure that a well lit studio chatshow with a bitrate that is 1/4 of the bitrate of an action movie would provide a higher quality image.

Personally, I view my movies on a 720P projector so any resolutions higher than that are downscaled so for me 1280x 720 is the optimal resolution. One day I'll probably get a 1080P projector then my standards will be different.

I guess a 1080p video ripped direct from bluray might rate at the top of your scale but it wouldn't playback well unless you have a very powerful pc. Matroska 720P files do seem to be the best compromise on a medium spec pc, especially as many people are playing back with displays that don't go wider than 1280 pixels.
Jive talkin, just isnt a crime
Beatzeps08 Wrote:Hey fekker, could you add an Auto-Pilot-Function to update the infos from OFdb for all movies?

that would be great!
fekker Wrote:Please provide an example for firefly season 1, dvd versus other order. That way i can figure out what fields I need to work with.

Hi, here are the links:

Aired Order

DVD Order
GinSoakedBoy Wrote:Hi, here are the links:

Aired Order

DVD Order
Speaking of which, I just replaced my earlier SD rip of one of my favourites with a proper DVD rip.

Previously the series was divided on a one-avi-one-episode basis and MIP handled it pretty well. Now it's one-DVD-one-episode and it doesn't recognize the episodes at all, no matter where I place them.

Currently the files are located at ..\Jak rozpętałem II wojnę światową\Series 1\Jak rozpętałem II wojnę światową - S01E01 - Ucieczka\VIDEO_TS.BUP
It seems MIP treats every file inside the DVD folder as a separate episode:
The following episodes could not be loaded:
How I Unleashed World War II: video_ts.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_2.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_3.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_4.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: video_ts.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_2.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_3.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_4.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: video_ts.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_2.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_3.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_4.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_1.vob

Any idea how to set this straight?

P.S. I can't wait to see the music part done Smile
WinXP SP3 - Samsung LE40A656 - Asus P5Q SE/R - Intel Core2Duo E8400 3000MHz - GeForce 9600GT (512MB) - Logitech NumberPad - Samsung Omnia running XBMC HTTP-R (for lack of a better option)
easiest way to solve problems like this with vobs is to rip your episodes to seperate iso's instead. That way you only have one file per episode and mip should have no problems. Also it's easier to keep track of stuff.
I am trying to run mip from my vista laptop connecting to a ubuntu smb share. When it loads all info and goes to write to nfo i get this error. Any ideas? I already chmod -R 777 to the entire dir

************** Exception Text **************
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\\\site\X264\Force.Ten.From.Navarone.1978.720p.BluRay.x264\Force.Ten.From.Navarone.1978.720p.BluRay.x264.nfo' is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path)
at movieinfoplus.mip.mov.Mov.writeMovXML(String folder, String filename)
at movieinfoplus.movie.saveimdb2(movie& tmovie, Boolean writemovienfo, Boolean writemovienamedotnfo, Boolean keepthetag)
at movieinfoplus.maincollection.processdropdownitems()
at movieinfoplus.maincollection.lbMyMovies_MouseClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
I started using Media Info Plus to get the correct art etc to use with Aeon. I ran the batch file to put all of my movies into folders, then went thru and added all the movies and TV shows in MIP, then manually went thru every one of them to make sure the right movie and TV show was grabbed, and picked my preferred art.

Now, as I understand it, all the info for the movies and episodes gets stored locally on the hard drive, in the folders for the video files. I know that MIP was gathering episode info, actors, everything and storing it in .xml and .nfo files.

So why does XBMC still go out on the internet and download that info? Am I missing a setting somewhere in XBMC or MIP? I was hoping that by doing this, not only would I get the right image files for Aeon, but if I wanted to take some files on the laptop, I wouldnt need to be online to get the info. Also, adding files to the XBMC library would go quicker.

I did some searching, but this is a BIG thread.

Can anyone educate me?
Halibutt Wrote:Speaking of which, I just replaced my earlier SD rip of one of my favourites with a proper DVD rip.

Previously the series was divided on a one-avi-one-episode basis and MIP handled it pretty well. Now it's one-DVD-one-episode and it doesn't recognize the episodes at all, no matter where I place them.

Currently the files are located at ..\Jak rozpętałem II wojnę światową\Series 1\Jak rozpętałem II wojnę światową - S01E01 - Ucieczka\VIDEO_TS.BUP
It seems MIP treats every file inside the DVD folder as a separate episode:
The following episodes could not be loaded:
How I Unleashed World War II: video_ts.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_2.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_3.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_4.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: video_ts.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_2.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_3.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_4.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: video_ts.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_1.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_2.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_3.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_01_4.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_0.vob
How I Unleashed World War II: vts_02_1.vob

Any idea how to set this straight?

P.S. I can't wait to see the music part done Smile

esdubu Wrote:easiest way to solve problems like this with vobs is to rip your episodes to seperate iso's instead. That way you only have one file per episode and mip should have no problems. Also it's easier to keep track of stuff.

Or just leave them as separate VOBs - worked for me.
Is there any chance you might make the TV Shows section also to use name lookups?
Now I have like this:
|-Season 02

In some cases it took file info from the sample file, but since I only have rar archives it doesn't recognize the episodes att all.
Arch Linux x86_64 | XBMC 10.1-9 | Rapier
Hitcher Wrote:Or just leave them as separate VOBs - worked for me.
What do you mean by "separate vobs"? Leaving them all in one folder?
WinXP SP3 - Samsung LE40A656 - Asus P5Q SE/R - Intel Core2Duo E8400 3000MHz - GeForce 9600GT (512MB) - Logitech NumberPad - Samsung Omnia running XBMC HTTP-R (for lack of a better option)
Hitcher are you using mip for your linux xbmc box? im trying to figure out how to scan the movies in i posted an error above
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Media Info Plus - Manage your Movies, Shows, Tunes, NFO and more (Open Source VB.NET)7