XBMC-Launcher Help!!
I installed the minimal Ubuntu Intrepid and XBMC.

I also installed Firefox

I<m trying to start Firefox from the XBMC Launcher application and i need some help. The thread about the Launcher is too pack with everything and I cannot find an answer!

Firefox start but half size and doesn't have focus and I don't know how to make it focused. Even the mouse doesn't do, firefox is in front but I cannot access it.

Please help.
Hey man can you tell me how you even got that far? I followed the how to and it seem like they want it set up under the programs list, but I can only get it to show up under scripts menu. And from there I don't know how to tell the launcher what program to launch.

Also does anyone know what I cant get anything to display under the 'programs' menu? What is intended to go there? On linux I would have assumed any path containing executables would show up...
Sure no problem.

1. Copy the Launcher folder to /home/xbmc/.xbmc/plugins/programs/
2. Make sure you enable viewing Programs from home menu in the skin settings
3. Make sure you are in your HOME folder in the terminal
4. Make a symlink to your bin files with 'ln -s /usr/bin/ usrbin' (any name will do)
5. When you will start XBMC Launcher you will be able to 'usrbin' in the home folder and clicking on it will bring you to your bin folder where you can select an app like Firefox.

Hope that will help
claudius139 Wrote:Firefox start but half size and doesn't have focus and I don't know how to make it focused. Even the mouse doesn't do, firefox is in front but I cannot access it.

you might want to try this
or something similar and adjust it to your needs
I know this thread is old, but I wanted to post my solution for any with the same problem.

1 Install lxterminal - Hit ctrl-alt-f3. Once in the terminal type "sudo apt-get install lxterminal". Obviously, this will install lxterminal, which will give you a command-line emulator.

2 Create symlink to lxterminal - Hit ctrl-alt-f3. Type "which lxterminal". This returns the location of lxterminal on your system. Create a directory to keep shortcuts for xbmc-launcher. Type "sudo mkdir /home/xbmc/shortcuts", where "xbmc" is your username. Make the symlink. Type "ln -s /location/of/lxterminal/on/your/system /home/xbmc/shortcuts/lxterminal".

3 Add lxterminal to xbmc-launcher - Using the xbmc launcher plugin, choose to add a new launcher. Go to /home/xbmc/shortcuts and choose lxterminal. When asked for application arguments type what is between these stars *-e "gksudo firefox"*. Name the application firefox.

4 You're done - Use xbmc-launcher to get a thumb and add to favorites for convenience. You can do the same thing, without choosing application arguments, to get a command-line within xbmc. Also, you might have to hit \ to switch the resolution, so try messing with that, too.

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XBMC-Launcher Help!!0