Serenity Feature Requests and Mods
One of the big ideas behind Serenity is that it's "your" guys' skin. I've tried to incorporate as many of your suggestions and requests as possible.

And, I'd like to continue in that fashion. I see stark has a lot of "mods" available. Now, while I know that I can only hope that this skin takes on that kind of fandom...I don't want there to be a dozen unofficial mods floating around out there.

I do want your guys' help in adding more features, however...I just want them to remain part of the skin.

So...if you have an idea or make some changes to the them here. If people like them enough, I won't hesitate to add them to the official build.

So go nuts...I have no opposition to your ideas. Wink
How about an update feature? Some way to notify and update the skin from within XBMC. It would be especially helpful while your trying to fix bugs to make sure people have the most up to date version before reporting them.
2-7offsuit Wrote:How about an update feature? Some way to notify and update the skin from within XBMC. It would be especially helpful while your trying to fix bugs to make sure people have the most up to date version before reporting them.

Hmmm...maybe something using RSS? I'd probably need the help from a scripter to get this to go...
the add source is too light for my screen, can you darken that sucker some?

when adding a source, i can't go right / left to select the type

my tv shows season fanart doesn't appear yet Smile
one more for ya.. can ya make the mouse pointer bigger (or just tell me what to mod to make it bigger)
One more, if it is possible.....Can a search button be added to be able to search a long list for a movie? Only asking because using the apple remote on appletv is quite tedious pressing down each time to go a long way down a list.
I've got an easy one. I think.

In the TV episodes view, you can scroll down the list of episodes, and press right to get the breakout info window. Since there is no episode fanart, I would like an option that causes that breakout window to appear automatically and instantly when scrolling down the list of episodes, so I can see the episode thumb for each as I scroll.

In other words, I'd like a thumbnail view mode. :-)
Is there anyway to customize the shortcuts on the home screen? I'd like movies to just go straight to Movies and skip the the by Title, Genre, etc screen. It might be cool to have those on the drop down though.
2-7offsuit Wrote:Is there anyway to customize the shortcuts on the home screen? I'd like movies to just go straight to Movies and skip the the by Title, Genre, etc screen. It might be cool to have those on the drop down though.

I would like this (and also for tv shows to go straight to shows), and can I throw one in?
A search feature from within movie library mode (for example), as using the apple remote can be quite tedious one button at a time to navigate a few hundred films...
2-7offsuit Wrote:Is there anyway to customize the shortcuts on the home screen? I'd like movies to just go straight to Movies and skip the the by Title, Genre, etc screen. It might be cool to have those on the drop down though.

That had me stumped for a second, but I think I know how to make this happen. So you want an option to make button x on the homescreen jump you to a specific listing of your choice.

Yes, I can do this. I *may* even have time tonight. Wink

deano72 Wrote:I would like this (and also for tv shows to go straight to shows), and can I throw one in?
A search feature from within movie library mode (for example), as using the apple remote can be quite tedious one button at a time to navigate a few hundred films...

Is this possible? I was not aware that you could do a search.

I will look into the idea.

(On a side note) I looked at the apple I would go nuts if I only had six buttons available...I had a few other ideas, but they're kinda squashed by the remote. I'll see what I can do.
Yeah six buttons, but they all have a mapping for being held down too, so 12 are available.
I don't know if there is a search, lol but it would be cool.
deano72 Wrote:Yeah six buttons, but they all have a mapping for being held down too, so 12 are available.

Can you map the hold-down for left/right to be pageup/pagedown? This would increase the scrollspeed when held. I *think* you might even be able to set the speed it scrolls at...although I could be wrong.

The closest to a search feature I know of is pressing shift+item letter on the keyboard, which then jumps you to that section...

IDK, I'll see if I can't think of something...
<!-- hold play --> <button id="7">Fullscreen</button>
<!-- hold menu --> <button id="8">ContextMenu</button>
<!-- hold left --> <button id="9">BigStepBack</button>
<!-- hold right --> <button id="10">BigStepForward</button>

found this under apple remote in keymap.xml.
What could I change "BigStepBack" and "BigStepForward" to to invoke pageup and pagedown?
just changed my keymap to be PageUp and PageDown for hold left and hold right respectively.
Am currently in work so will try that tomorrow.

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