Congrats keeganl and Digitalhigh
I just wanted to take 10seconds and congratulate you guys on taking an image and making an awesome working skin. Now the real fun part begins. Keeping up with tons of bug reports as they creep in one by one. Wink
No Doubt about that. I really can't say thank you enough to everyone who has been involved with Serenity. There has been a lot of traffic moving through the Serenity thread and I hope that this excitement keep up the momentum. As Digital has said, we are open to all mods of Serenity. If the community likes the mods enough, we would be more than happy to add the mods to the skin officially.

Thank you all again.
kizer Wrote:I just wanted to take 10seconds and congratulate you guys on taking an image and making an awesome working skin. Now the real fun part begins. Keeping up with tons of bug reports as they creep in one by one. Wink

Hey, thanks a lot. Didn't even see this thread as I've been so busy hopping between the ones I made this morning, trying to fix the first bugs.

Thanks to you, BTW, for the hosting. It's a ton more convenient than trying to do everything via mediafire or something...ick. Wink
That reminds me I better pay the bill this month. hahahahaha

Your welcome on the hosting. I figured I'm wasting away and might as well get my monies worth. Wink
I was just about to congrats after hearing the news of it's release (which was literally a couple minutes ago :p ) Glad to see someone beat me to it though. Anyways, congrats!!! keeganl and DigitalHigh. I've been watching this theme since it's first post. You guys have really put some time and consideration into this skin. It's great to know how you guys started (basically at square one). I hope this inspires and the you guys keep having fun doing what your good at.

Enjoy the release! Thanks!
skolapper Wrote:Congrats on the move

If I may ask for one thing- now that you have the freedom of being an independent board again, please do not let these forums descend into the madness that they have over at RPGCodex. Please keep RPG Watch respectable and creditable

Thank you

.... wtf? Huh
Spammer getting ready.. Ignore him.
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot

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Awww...and here I thought somebody actually was taking an interest in the skin again...
digitalhigh Wrote:Awww...and here I thought somebody actually was taking an interest in the skin again...

i really like the looks of this skin and i did try to use it when it was first released the only reason that i am not using it currently is that i couldn't get used to the controls in the UI they don't seem to function quite right for some reason or another and i always felt like i was fighting a losing battle to do things while using it.
i use my remote for just about everything i need to do once XBMC loaded and not being able to do certain things that i use on a daily basis (without changing my keymap cause it works fine with other skins) kind of made the skin feel less user friendly than what i wanted to deal with every day.
i would love to see an updated version of this skin ...maybe with a rework of the menu bars/ UI control so they are easier to traverse?
tho to be perfectly honest with so many amazing skins to choose from right now and coming soon im not sure this skin would actually hold its own with them.
not because it isn't as stunning as the rest graphically but simply because this skin has been out a bit and there are a lot of features that have come out recently that this skin doesn't support a rework would probably be needed to make it on par with the other big guns its kind of sad really cause its a very nice looking skin and a lot of hard work went into it obviously Sad
Vampirebat Wrote:i really like the looks of this skin and i did try to use it when it was first released the only reason that i am not using it currently is that i couldn't get used to the controls in the UI they don't seem to function quite right for some reason or another and i always felt like i was fighting a losing battle to do things while using it.
i use my remote for just about everything i need to do once XBMC loaded and not being able to do certain things that i use on a daily basis (without changing my keymap cause it works fine with other skins) kind of made the skin feel less user friendly than what i wanted to deal with every day.
i would love to see an updated version of this skin ...maybe with a rework of the menu bars/ UI control so they are easier to traverse?
tho to be perfectly honest with so many amazing skins to choose from right now and coming soon im not sure this skin would actually hold its own with them.
not because it isn't as stunning as the rest graphically but simply because this skin has been out a bit and there are a lot of features that have come out recently that this skin doesn't support a rework would probably be needed to make it on par with the other big guns its kind of sad really cause its a very nice looking skin and a lot of hard work went into it obviously Sad

So...what exactly is confusing you? I would be more than happy to give consideration to the problems people are encountering...I just need to know what to fix.

Also, to what new features are you referring?
digitalhigh Wrote:So...what exactly is confusing you? I would be more than happy to give consideration to the problems people are encountering...I just need to know what to fix.

Also, to what new features are you referring?
i will load it up and play around with it tonight or tomorrow and make some notes to post for you Smile
plewelvemof Wrote:I think stickying this thread is not such good idea...theres already quite a lot of stickies in this section, and you often have to scroll down lots to find the thread for your state, so one more sticky might be a bit much.

Also, you mentioned youself you dont expect many posts, so when is it good to create your own thread you dont think people will post in, and sticky it...just because you can?

Just remember, LOOie, when we were talking about this, you told

Yes! I couldn't toaster waffle. To be circle, triangle spoon orange snuff film. Raincoat, poster scotch tape muffler snowball. Teeth snake, seven times eleven equals fifteen.

Not to mention, slippery foot aspen filibuster police chicken.

Shit, while I'm on the subject, yawning cat blanket beam dresser. Happy dance stick curtain, lampshade elf nipple, topeka crockpot circuit monitor.

Oh, and cradle poop flour dingle Rosie O' Donnell.

Man...I love spouting gibberish that is completely unrelated to the topic being discussed!!!

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