I solved my vsync/tearing issue (ATI)
I normally run XMBC fullscreen on my second monitor a Samsung 40" LCD, connected via component, running 720p.

The vsync/tearing issue has been driving me nuts! I finally found the setting combination in ATI control panel and XMBC that gives me smooth playback.

PC settings (Catalyst 9.2):
- Set second monitor (HDTV) as primary monitor!
- Clone the HDTV (now the primary monitor) with PC monitor. Effectivly having the PC monitor as the secondary monitor. This does not matter for useability tho since they are cloned Smile
- Set Wait for VSYNC = Always ON

XMBC (latest Babylon build):
- Apperance - Screen - VSYNC = Let driver decide
you do know that the drivers have been updated since 9.2, you tried 9.4Huh
oh? I thought 9.3 was the latest, and when I tried that it didn't work. You saying 9.4 solves this?

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I solved my vsync/tearing issue (ATI)0