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MiniMeedia Release - v0.75 (18/05/2009)
It's not quite as complete and as polished as I would have hoped but time at the moment is very tight so I thought I may as well get this out there in its current state.




The skin is pretty much feature complete but there are still a few things I know I want to add:
  • New slider dialog
  • Further default thumb images (parent folder, music etc)
  • Tidy up video OSD when playing a DVD
  • Video info dialog to work better when viewing a TV show season
  • Tidy up of labels displayed for some media types (music and episodes could be formatted slightly better in some views)
I fully expect that some of you will find problems in the skin but since I have done pretty much all the testing so far on my own then it's not really surprising.

If you do find any problems or have any suggestions on improvements to the skin please describe them as fully as possible and give screenshots where possible.

Have fun and enjoy!


Skin download link -
MiniMeedia v0.75

[For more details on the skin and screenshots, please see the development thread - MiniMeedia - New Skin]

Background Images
The skin itself does not contain any real background images since most users will already have a set of background images that they like (for MediaStream and Aeon skins etc) and I assume most users will be using fanart for the Movies and TV Shows anyway.

I have a nice set of custom background images that I use and aim to provide download links so that users can use these if they want.

Background download links -
Movies - Movies Backgrounds 1 Movies Backgrounds 2
TV Shows - TV Show Backgrounds
Videos - Videos Backgrounds
Music - Music Backgrounds
Pictures - Pictures Backgrounds
System - System Backgrounds
Power - Power Backgrounds
DVD - DVD Backgrounds

The skin is setup to work with Weather Fanart (the weather background should match the current weather conditions) and to get this working properly I recommend downloading timdog's Weather Fanart pack
Follow development of MediaStream, MiniMeedia and other skins on Twitter (@skunkm0nkee)
One thing that may confuse users is that after downloading the skin, you start it up and then see that you don't see any nice background images. That's because the only real background image included in the skin is a white noise type image (like what you would see on an old analogue TV if it wasn't tuned in to a station).

So the first step after installing the skin should be for you to go to the custom Skin settings (click on System link on Home screen and select Skin) and from there you setup where you want the skin to pick up your custom images from. I would recommend setting up a folder for each of the main items on the Home screen and placing any relevant background images in those folders. Then update the skin to point to those folders.

(I use a relatively small set of custom background images and you can find links to download them in the first post).
Follow development of MediaStream, MiniMeedia and other skins on Twitter (@skunkm0nkee)
Default List View (episodes) with Show Plot enabled:

Low List view (TV Shows):

Video Info dialog (tv show):
Follow development of MediaStream, MiniMeedia and other skins on Twitter (@skunkm0nkee)
Waterfall view:

Exhibit view:

High List view (Movies):
Follow development of MediaStream, MiniMeedia and other skins on Twitter (@skunkm0nkee)
I love it! Great that you've allowed for choosing a bigger font. And it's running great on the XBOX! No memory issues so far!
The skin isn't really overscan friendly though. On my PAL TV the first and last letters (on the outer edges) fall off the screen. One more suggestion is that selecting "System" and "weather" on the home screen does not show a background from the configured background folder until IN the "System" or "Weather' screen.

Great work! I love a minimalistic skin!

Please add to my reputation if you find my posts usefull (+/- button below posts)
Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Nice one Skunk .. Good to see its out in the wild now ..
Bram77 Wrote:I love it! Great that you've allowed for choosing a bigger font. And it's running great on the XBOX! No memory issues so far!
The skin isn't really overscan friendly though. On my PAL TV the first and last letters (on the outer edges) fall off the screen. One more suggestion is that selecting "System" and "weather" on the home screen does not show a background from the configured background folder until IN the "System" or "Weather' screen.

Great work! I love a minimalistic skin!

Thanks Big Grin

That's something I probably should have mentioned in the first post - the skin was designed primarily for 720p and will probably look pretty naff in 4x3. I'm not planning on doing any 4x3 support at the moment (I don't really have the time) but it may happen at some point in the future.

As for the xbox, I've been running this skin on my xbox at home since January (80 percent of the skin has been written for about 4 or 5 months now) and haven't really had any issues.

I've tried to space the skin away from the edges of the screen but I guess I haven't left enough for all screens. I think I left about 10 to 20 pixels at the edges of the screen.

The weather and system backgrounds show up for me as soon as I move to the items in the menu? Strange

JustMeD Wrote:Nice one Skunk .. Good to see its out in the wild now ..

Me too Big Grin
Follow development of MediaStream, MiniMeedia and other skins on Twitter (@skunkm0nkee)
nice work, any chance this skin can be made accessible through the xbmc skin manager either through the svn or through an http link?

thanks, can't wait to try this one out
feerlessleadr Wrote:nice work, any chance this skin can be made accessible through the xbmc skin manager either through the svn or through an http link?

thanks, can't wait to try this one out

It will be added to the XBMC Skinning Project SVN once it's been tested a bit more and any missing features are added.

It's only beta at the moment (hence the 0.75 version number) but once it gets to v1.00 it'll hit the SVN (in the same way that MediaStream did)

Between now and then I hope to do fairly regular updates and make these available for download as and when they're ready. I want the development of the skin to build for the next few weeks (mostly based on user feedback) so that the v1.00 release of the skin is very stable, usable and (hopefully) feature complete.
Follow development of MediaStream, MiniMeedia and other skins on Twitter (@skunkm0nkee)
Good JobSmile Very nice and cleanSmile Love the new viewsSmile
Awesome skin, I am loving it so far. Just played around with it on my test system.

I noticed the link in the first post for power images doesn't work, it just takes me to the default mediafire page, no download link.

Quick question. For multi season tv shows, what thumbnail filename is being used for season thumbs. Currently I have Season##.tbn but the skin doesn't seem to be picking that up. This seemed to work ok with other skins. I don't mind changing the filename but just need to know what it should look like.

Thanks, this is my new skin. :-)

espengaasemyr Wrote:Good JobSmile Very nice and cleanSmile Love the new viewsSmile

Thanks, hopefully there's enough view choices for users to be getting on with Big Grin

ould Wrote:Awesome skin, I am loving it so far. Just played around with it on my test system.

I noticed the link in the first post for power images doesn't work, it just takes me to the default mediafire page, no download link.

Quick question. For multi season tv shows, what thumbnail filename is being used for season thumbs. Currently I have Season##.tbn but the skin doesn't seem to be picking that up. This seemed to work ok with other skins. I don't mind changing the filename but just need to know what it should look like.

Thanks, this is my new skin. :-)


Thanks, I have fixed the link to the power images (damn typos!).

As for the season images, the skin should just display the season thumb as provided by the skinning engine. It's the engine itself that should work out the name and scraping of that image. I don't actually have any season images on my file system but they are scraped and they seem to show up fine for me.

Anyone else have a problem seeing their season thumbs?
Follow development of MediaStream, MiniMeedia and other skins on Twitter (@skunkm0nkee)
skunkm0nkee Wrote:Thanks Big Grin

That's something I probably should have mentioned in the first post - the skin was designed primarily for 720p and will probably look pretty naff in 4x3. I'm not planning on doing any 4x3 support at the moment (I don't really have the time) but it may happen at some point in the future.

As for the xbox, I've been running this skin on my xbox at home since January (80 percent of the skin has been written for about 4 or 5 months now) and haven't really had any issues.

I've tried to space the skin away from the edges of the screen but I guess I haven't left enough for all screens. I think I left about 10 to 20 pixels at the edges of the screen.

The weather and system backgrounds show up for me as soon as I move to the items in the menu? Strange

Me too Big Grin

I'm using a 82cm 16:9 PAL TV. It all looks very nice, except for the text not always fitting on the screen. I understand I'm probably a minority in using a old SD television. So no harm done if this is something that you won't change. I'd completely understand. I thought you'd still like to know Smile

Please add to my reputation if you find my posts usefull (+/- button below posts)
Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Bram77 Wrote:I'm using a 82cm 16:9 PAL TV. It all looks very nice, except for the text not always fitting on the screen. I understand I'm probably a minority in using a old SD television. So no harm done if this is something that you won't change. I'd completely understand. I thought you'd still like to know Smile

No probs, post any screenshots of screens or views which are cut off and I'll see what I can do.
Follow development of MediaStream, MiniMeedia and other skins on Twitter (@skunkm0nkee)

First of all.....thanks skunkm0nkee , amazing skin.

Im testing it on my htpc , but i see a problem on Configure settings for Home.
When i select "Disable Weather" , automatically its select also "Disable System Menu" , and if i disable weather on home it disable the two things , weather and system menu bottom.

Can u check it please? i want remove the damn it Weather bottom , i hate this option Blush

And its possible Disable Videos botton on home and add Filemanager? its a good idea for when anyone want watch somthing in a pendrive usb for example.

Oh , and another thing , add a option on on/off menu for close xbmc please , sometine i need only close xbmc , and not off the computer.

Yeah , i know , my english sucks , sorry for it Sad
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