Showcase problems in Music section
First, i apologise for my "poor" sorry :p

Secondly, i want to thanks all the modders, developpers ...without all of you our dear Xbox (with just a few good Panzer Dragon Orta, Steel Bataillon, Ninja Gaiden Black....and.....sorry, i cant find :p) is still alive

So, my question

Im running Horizon Hexed Mod, and also Paul's Horizon Mod 4.1, but ive the same problem , in showcase mode, i cant see all the CD Cover, i can see the reflect, but not the Cover itself....a capture will explain my problem better than my words


So i would like to know if theres a solution for my problem
What version xbmc are you running? This issue was fixed in VegasPete/paul's mod, which my mod is based upon, and I can't reproduce this bug. See this thread.
Thanks for the answer Big Grin

I dont have anymore problem, thanks to the CommonContent.xml file

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