MCE remote buttons all wrong
Bare with me as i know linux fairly well but am still unfamiliar with xbmc and lirc.

i have lirc installed and all the buttons on this Microsoft MCE remote are detected corretly. the mappings show up correctly for lirc or gnome-lirc-properties.

however in xbmc they do not function as specified by the keymap wiki?

ok button resizes video
play button displays information about the streaming video

and many other strange button configurations.

i am using linux mint 7(jaunty-base) with the official xbmc ubuntu repo.

buttons seem to work fine outside of video, video playing has the strange keymaps and i'm confused how to fix this and if it is a lirc problem or keymap.xml problem, and where exactly i should make changes to resolve it.
Please read the sticky about reporting a problem in a USEFUL manner. That includes a full debug logfile onto so we can see what buttons are pressed and why they're wrong.
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That is the intended behavior.. If i recall right it tries to mimic button mapping on original Xbox remote.
You need to modify your keymap.xml, check the section "fullscreenvideo". Just to be on the safe side, before doing anything, copy your keymap.xml from XBMC install dir\system to your system dir under XBMC profile and edit that one.
toiva Wrote:That is the intended behavior.. If i recall right it tries to mimic button mapping on original Xbox remote.
You need to modify your keymap.xml, check the section "fullscreenvideo". Just to be on the safe side, before doing anything, copy your keymap.xml from XBMC install dir\system to your system dir under XBMC profile and edit that one.

Thank you toiva, I'm sorry my question was cryptic. I was not receiving errors and as i said lirc was working fine. My problem is most likely that I was placing the edited keymap under /userdata/keymaps/ like the wiki instructs and the file was not being used. I will try placing it in the user folder .xbmc/system/keymap.xml
Disregard everything i said, i haven't followed the development very closely :p The way it used to work is the keymap should be placed at .xbmc/userdata (if nothing has changed recently), not .xbmc/system :p
toiva Wrote:Disregard everything i said, i haven't followed the development very closely :p The way it used to work is the keymap should be placed at .xbmc/userdata (if nothing has changed recently), not .xbmc/system :p

After placing it directly in /userdata the keymap now works correctly.

I was also confused by <title> and <play> being the same key.

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MCE remote buttons all wrong0