[WINDOWS]Blu-ray/HD-DVD handling
Its understandable that xbmc doesnt support direct playing of HD disk due to encryption. However, if the encryption is taken care of (by AnyDvdHD for example), could a plugin make disk navigation easier? I dont care about flashy BD menus. But neither to i relish the thought of having to browse through the directory structure and playing m2ts files manually. Some disks, in addition, are a pain in that they dont just use one large m2ts file for the main movie.

How hard would it be for a plugin to be able to interpret the (already decrypted) BD (or HD-DVD) structure and just play the movie for you? This plugin would be similar to the DVD navigator function already in xbmc.
i like the idea, best way would be to check playlist files.

see what playlist files are the longest, and provide an option to play them.
Two years later: Its a pity XBMC still has to rely on external players like MPC-HC to handle bluray. I'd love to see an addon which can understand the bluray index structure and use the XBMC internal player. Its understandable that we'd still need something like anydvd-hd to handle protection.
been supported since, uhm, oct 2010 maybe... plus i added bd iso support in january or thereabout. enable stacking.
Thats actually what i want to hear. Please excuse my ignorance. Time for some fiddling Nod
only thing still in the works is menu use, I think
Boxee supports "lite" menus, which essentially pops up the available playlists in a not-so-informative modal dialog box. It works, but it's very "meh".
Living Room: ASUS Chromebox / OpeneElec 5 / Kodi 14.2
Bedroom: Amazon FireTV Stick / Kodi 14.2
Home Office: Amazon FireTV Stick / Kodi 14.2
Windows Server: Intel Core i3-2100T / 8GB Ram / 48TB / MySQL / StableBit DrivePool on Server 2012 R2 Standard
What is the minimum version required to support this?

In Dharma 10.1, I can play my BluRays by selecting the largest .m2ts file, but with something like the Avatar Extended BluRay, there are ~230 different files in the STREAM folder, and clicking on index.bdmv does nothing at all.

So I can't watch either the theatrical or extended cut.

Did index.bdmv support come after Dharma 10.1?

Should I try a nightly build?

Use the Nightlies
Thanks a bunch isamu, will do.


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[WINDOWS]Blu-ray/HD-DVD handling0