Problem resolution
With the latest SVN I can no longer adjust the resolution, I just windowed and screen resolution as a choice!
I tried with DX and OpenGL is ditto.
What to do?
Thank you
its use your desktop resolution!
You can set the windowed size in your advancedsettings.xml



Hitcher Wrote:You can set the windowed size in your advancedsettings.xml




thanx for the tip. :-)
advancedsettings didn't work for me (linux), but adding it to guisettings.xml did.

i've been pulling my hair for days to get xbmc running at 720p in windowed mode again.

does anyone know why xbmc defaults to 480p when running in windowed mode?
i'm sure there's a reason, but the logic escapes me at the moment.
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Hitcher Wrote:You can set the windowed size in your advancedsettings.xml




Yes it's true for windowed mode, but in full screen mode I have no choice of resolution!
Depending on the graphics card you have, you could use something like powerstrip to force a resolution change before the program starts up. That would change the resolution of Windows to 720p and revert back when XBMC is closed.

Search in the forums on it as I remember reading about some people doing this.
Windows 7 x64 Home Premium
Gigabyte MA78GM-U2SH Mainboard
ATI HD3200 Onboard
AMD 7750BE Dual-Core 4.00GB RAM
ATI HD3200 HDMI Sound
HTPC HMDI -> ONKYO TX-SR605 -> Panasonic TH-46PZ85U Plasma
Or, as suggested to me, use EventGhost to do it.
Yup, with Eventghost doing something like that it's supereasy. On the other hand, developers do not consider this the "final" state of things. Sooner or later things will be fixed.

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