Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
PM3.HD Home Screen Change
I know it has been asked over and over but I am still having problems changing the name on the home screen for "Programs". I have searched and all ive found to change the name is the $LOCALIZE[0] setting but I cannot find it. I did find the activate window setting but i wanted to change the name as well. I have searched through all the files in the skin for the word "Programs"

C:\Program Files\XBMC\skin\PM3.HD\720p\custom_SkinSetting_1111.xml (9 hits)
    Line 187:                     <description>Show Programs in home</description>
    Line 192:                     <onclick>Skin.ToggleSetting(ProgramsInHome)</onclick>
    Line 193:                     <selected>Skin.HasSetting(ProgramsInHome)</selected>
    Line 390:                             <icon>special://skin/backgrounds/programs.jpg</icon>
    Line 391:                             <thumb>$INFO[Skin.String(Home_Custom_Back_Programs_Folder)]</thumb>
    Line 392:                             <visible>Skin.HasSetting(ProgramsInHome)</visible>
    Line 643:                         <onclick>Skin.SetImage(Home_Custom_Back_Programs_Folder)</onclick>
    Line 662:                         <onclick>Skin.SetPath(Home_Custom_Back_Programs_Folder)</onclick>
    Line 681:                         <onclick>Skin.Reset(Home_Custom_Back_Programs_Folder)</onclick>
  C:\Program Files\XBMC\skin\PM3.HD\720p\Home.xml (7 hits)
    Line 397:             <visible>!Skin.HasSetting(ProgramsInHome)</visible>
    Line 406:             <visible>Skin.HasSetting(ProgramsInHome)</visible>
    Line 420:             <animation effect="slide" end="0,-28" time="0" condition="Skin.HasSetting(ProgramsInHome)">Conditional</animation>
    Line 506:                     <onclick>ActivateWindow(Programs)</onclick>
    Line 507:                     <icon>special://skin/backgrounds/programs.jpg</icon>
    Line 508:                     <thumb>$INFO[Skin.String(Home_Custom_Back_Programs_Folder)]</thumb>
    Line 509:                     <visible>Skin.HasSetting(ProgramsInHome)</visible>
  C:\Program Files\XBMC\skin\PM3.HD\720p\ViewsFileMode.xml (1 hits)
    Line 1163:             <visible>Container.Content(TVShows) | Window.IsVisible(VideoFiles) | Window.IsVisible(Programs)</visible>

What do I change for the visible name?
don't search for Programs, instead look for <label>0</label> in Home.xml.
you can change it to <label>WhateverYouWant</label>
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That worked great, thanks for the quick help.

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