XLink Kai Username
my username on kia is -spud- but the keyboard in xbmc doesn't have the option to put the dashes on either side of my name. what's the quickest way around this?
hmmm change your user name Smile

try putting the kai settings back in the xml file (not sure if this will still work) otherwise this is probably classified as a bug.
symbol support is almost done for the virtual keyboard.

we are in a feature freeze (and skin freeze) and the support for symbols requires additional stuff added to the skin.

will likely add it anyway, as most skinners use the project mayhem keyboard anyway, and on top of that, it's not a huge issue if it's not there in the other skins anyway.

just got to sort out on particular character that is being unfriendly.
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cool thanks guys. i'm eager to try it out so i'll take your advice first senergy and create a new username hehe :thumbsup:
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