Movie sets and library export

I've just started using movie sets, which I'm finding great for tidying up my library.

I've added the tags to the .nfos e.g.

<sorttitle>IndianaJones 1</sorttitle>
<set>Indiana Jones</set>

However what's going to happen if I do a library export to separate files as I normally do to generate .nfos from new scraped movies?

Is it going to remove all those movie set tags that I've added?

Ok I should have only changed 1 .nfo and tested it but didn't think at the time.


XBMC only overwrites .nfo files if you tell it to.
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There's 'overwrite old files' yes, but I assume that controls overwrite of both images and .nfos. So no way to overwrite images without overwriting the .nfos say if you've picked a new thumb or fanart say?

Not currently, no.
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Fantastic, thanks Sho. Look forward to that then. As I'm on a Mac I either have to let XBMC create my nfos or do them by hand, so more options would be great.


find . -name '*.nfo' -exec perl -pi -e 's/\<set\>\<\/set\>/\<set\>James\ Bond\<\/set\>/g' '{}' \;

This is great if you have many nfos of the same set. make sure you are in the root of the "set directory". in this case in my James Bond directory.

dunno if it works on mac Smile
Surely an export, overwriting old NFO files should still recreate the set and sorttitle tags as these must have been imported into the database, or has this not been implemented yet?
FidoFuz Wrote:Surely an export, overwriting old NFO files should still recreate the set and sorttitle tags as these must have been imported into the database, or has this not been implemented yet?

I hope I understand you correct, after a export and overwrite the new created nfo files are different to the old nfo file?

In the new created nfo file the tags for <set></set> and <sorttitle></sorttitle> are missing?

If both answers "yes", I think is an error. Please create a Trac Ticket and provide both nfo and the debug.log in the Trac Ticket
The export will overwrite old NFO files if you tell it to, but, having checked, it correctly writes the set and ordertitle tag to the new NFO so you won't lose this information, assuming the set and ordertitle tags were present when the movie was added to the library.
I know this is a very old thread, but I stumbled across it, so I know others will too. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my interpretation of the 'overwrite old files' option is this:

It's not just going to go arbitrarily overwrite every single fan-art with some default - or every .nfo with the default scraper .nfo. Only the ones pending changes.

For instance: if you've saved AND reloaded a .nfo file then it is part of your library now. If you re-export, it will not be overwritten.
spacebrew Wrote:I know this is a very old thread, but I stumbled across it, so I know others will too. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my interpretation of the 'overwrite old files' option is this:

It's not just going to go arbitrarily overwrite every single fan-art with some default - or every .nfo with the default scraper .nfo. Only the ones pending changes.

For instance: if you've saved AND reloaded a .nfo file then it is part of your library now. If you re-export, it will not be overwritten.

I'm afraid it will

If you already have local nfo's fanart and thumbs in with your media and you choose overwrite it will overwrite every single one that means if your cached artwork is different from your local artwork then your local artwork will be overwritten with different artwork

If you choose not to overwrite then only media without local artwork nfo will receive exported items
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>>X<<' Wrote:I'm afraid it will

If you already have local nfo's fanart and thumbs in with your media and you choose overwrite it will overwrite every single one that means if your cached artwork is different from your local artwork then your local artwork will be overwritten with different artwork

If you choose not to overwrite then only media without local artwork nfo will receive exported items

Okay, yeah, that's what I thought. I said basically the same thing, just not as eloquently. I couldn't think of how to say it. So yeah,just the ones pending changes. I guess the keyword being 'cached'. Thanks for clarifying / confirming though. Smile

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Movie sets and library export0