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[RELEASE] Project xbmc-addons-chinese (Chinese addons for Kodi)
whenever i click on cntv live option, i get an error message saying that i do not have the file cctvlive.exe. Where can I find this exe? It is not included in the latest version of the zip file.
Can someone PLEASE help? I have everything working apart from when I am actually streaming CCTVLive TV...my keyboard, mouse and MCE Remote will not allow me to stop, pause etc. the stream...nothing works...I have no choice but to click on control-alt-delete and then "log off" to stop the stream.

I would really really appreciate if some could please tell me how to use the KeyMapSet.exe file...I have the KeyMap.ini in the same default directory as the following files:


I have tried to update the settings in KeyMap.ini to reflect that pause equals spacebar on my keyboard and enter equals stop...I got my wife's help to translate a bit for me...

After creating/updating the KeyMap.ini file still nothing works when streaming files....no keyboard, no mouse or MCE Remote...nothing...

I have tried everything and NOTHING is documented anywhere in English...please please please help...
Can anyone please help with my previous post above and on page 6?

Please? Huh
smacrae Wrote:Can anyone please help with my previous post above and on page 6?

Please? Huh

I think the description of CNTV Live is clear. you can find the description at System-->Add-ons-->Enabled add-ons-->Video add-ons-->CNTV Live.

Here's the description:

CNTV Live video plugin
1.The plugin will auto call CCTVPlayerOcxReg.exe to regist player ocx at the first run.
2.The default key setting of the external player similar as XBMC: F8 - Mute / F9 - VolumeDown / F10 - VolumeUp / [ - ZoomIn / ] - ZoomOut / SPACE - Pause / X - Exit
You can run key setting program to custom the key map for external player, file path:

And I think may be your problem is the cntv playing window not get focus, click mouse on it and then you should use keyboard to control.
sutm Wrote:whenever i click on cntv live option, i get an error message saying that i do not have the file cctvlive.exe. Where can I find this exe? It is not included in the latest version of the zip file.

Suggest you install the plugin from repository.googlecode.xbmc-addons-chinese
jacky89 Wrote:Installed addon. It works great. Except for the following two problems:

1) How do you get ppstream to work?

Need install PPS first, download from http://dl.pps.tv/.
Thanks taxigps. However, when I run ppstream in XBMC, I keep getting the Error! Script Failed after browsing a few folders deep. Is it because the program does not support nightly builds?
Thanks Taxigps...

Problem 1:
I have everything you've said above working...apart from when it is streaming content (it does so in full screen) then everything on the keyboard/mouse/remote is non-responsive.

Nothing works on the keyboard within the CCTVLive stream...it is full screen and when I click on control-alt-delete even the task manager that comes up is immediately stuck behind the CCTVLive stream...

I've tried to get this going on 2 different computers with exactly the same issue...I know it must be something I am doing wrong but for the life of me I cannot work it out..

I might add all the other add-ons are working for Chinese TV, just not CCTVLive (unfortunately the one my wife wants) doesn't work.

I do no know how I can bring something in the focus that refuses to respond and is in fullscreen mode.

Problem 2:
When I run KeymapSet.exe I have no idea what the 3 links are a the bottom....I can have my wife translate the Chinese characters than run vertically for things such as volume up/down etc. however the buttons at the bottom of the KeymapSet.exe program are unreadable (just a bunch of corrupt looking characters) so I do not know which one to press. I've generated a number of INI files and put them in the same directory as CCTVLive.exe however the default and any custom generated kepmap.ini files are ignored.

Any help would be appreciated...
smacrae, try going to control panel -> regional options -> change Language for non-Unicode programs to Chinese (PRC) and you should be able to read the garbled up text in keymapset.exe. Please let me know if you manged to get cctvlive working. I am experiencing the same issues as you described.
Alternatively, you can watch live Chinese television channels using Livestreams addon, which you can find on the forums. There are a total of 36 chinese channels right now. I just added 6 channels including, ATV Hong Kong channel, to the list, which is in Cantonese.

The channel file will automatically update on its own when someone adds a link to the database at http://www.thestreamdb.com.

The following is the instructions to setup Livestream after you downloaded and "installed from zip file" under Systems->Addons.

Open up XBMC, go to System > Add-ons > Enabled Add-ons > Video Add-ons > LiveStream. Now click "Configure", and choose a folder you want to download the xml files (the channel lists).
Down at the buttom of the screen you will see it says "working". The xml files are now being downloaded. After that's done, click "Choose File" and browse to the folder where you downloaded the xml files to.
Now choose the file called theStreamDB.xml. This file is automatically updated everytime you run Livestream.

Now you can go back to the main menu and go to Video > Video Add+ons > LiveStream. Now just browse to the channel you want to watch.

Please share new channels you find at http://www.thestreamdb.com. When you add a channel to http://www.thestreamdb.com, the new channel will be seen the next time you run Livestreams. Please can someone post TVB channel. I only found a working ATV channel and posted it to the database already.
taxigps Wrote:Suggest you install the plugin from repository.googlecode.xbmc-addons-chinese

Thanks, it is working after I get code from svn
jacky89 Wrote:Thanks taxigps. However, when I run ppstream in XBMC, I keep getting the Error! Script Failed after browsing a few folders deep. Is it because the program does not support nightly builds?

Hi Jacky, I also encounter the same problem. Any solutions yet? Thanks!
sutm Wrote:Hi Jacky, I also encounter the same problem. Any solutions yet? Thanks!

nope unfortunately not. I really want to get ppstream to work too.
The Tudou plugin has been broken for a couple of weeks now. There is a Chinese thread about the problem too: http://bbs.htpc1.com/thread-182678-1-6.html

Hope this gets fixed soon. Thanks.
is there any videos that are HD? thank you so much. This Community is awesome.
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[RELEASE] Project xbmc-addons-chinese (Chinese addons for Kodi)7