How to make video keep playing when you navigate the menus
When I was using XBMC 9.0.41, the video would continue playing when you exit the main player and returned to the menus. Sometimes it would be in a little box down bottom and other times it would be in the background behind the menus. You could continue navigating the menus and the video would keep playing.

When I moved to the 9.11 beta/RC and now the official release, this stopped working. I'm on an apple tv and whenever I hit the menu button to jump out of the player and back to menus the player stops. I desire for the player to keep playing in the background as I navigate the menu (like it use to).

How do I make this happen? FYI... I using the default Confluence skin and the closes setting I see is Skin Settings->Show Background "Now Playing" Video. Which is enabled, but still not working the way I want.

Thanks in advance.
I figured it out. It has to do with keymapping done in XBMC. To fix it I had to copy the default apple tv remote keymap xml file to my keymaps directory. In my case this was:

/Users/frontrow/Library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata/keymaps

I got the default keymap file from this URL:

Then modify the file by adding the line in red, like this:

<joystick name="AppleRemote">
<button id="1">VolumeUp</button>
<button id="2">VolumeDown</button>
<button id="3">StepBack</button>
<button id="4">StepForward</button>
<button id="5">Pause</button>
<button id="6">Stop</button>
<button id="7">OSD</button>
<button id="8">FullScreen</button>
<button id="9">Rewind</button>
<button id="10">FastForward</button>

That line is mapping my "hold menu" button (i.e button id 8) to the FullScreen action, which is used to toggle between fullscreen mode and "visulization" mode. Which is the mode that puts the video in the background behind the menus and allows the video to keep playing as you navigate the menus.

Also, it's worth noting that the skin impacts where you see the video when you navigate the menus. For example, with Confluence, I see it pretty much on the background behind all menu screens (even the home screen). But with Xperience I don't see it on the home menu background, instead it's in the "now playing" box (as seen in their trailer). Also for Xperience "now playing" box, you have to enable that in the skins settings.

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How to make video keep playing when you navigate the menus0