Music stutters while playing and scrolling for other music

I have my computer that has XBMC on it (Ubuntu 9.10 version with Dual Core AMD 2.4Ghz with 1GB of RAM.) networked with my main computer (which is a Intel Quad Core 2 2.4Ghz with 8GB of RAM) though SMB also has Ubuntu on it.
The problem is that when I'm playing music on my XBMC and it's pulling the music off my main computer while I'm playing it, I'll goto browses for other music that I might want to listen to, the music that is playing starts to stutter bad. I don't know why this is. My music library is very large and that could be the reason but if that is how do I solve this problem but while it scrolls down, it scrolls fast and just fine. It's just the music stutters. I really would like to fix this problem. Any help would be great. Thank you!


is there a specific reason that you're using Samba to share between two Linux boxes? You may get a small performance boost if you setup NFS on the server, and mount the shares via nfs on the client.

example (server side)

$ sudo aptitude install nfs-kernel-server
$ sudo vi /etc/exports

Add the directories you wish to share (export) to /etc/exports..

#path to export  / allowed hosts / options)

line 1 shares /mnt/Video to with read/write perms
line 2 shares /mnt/Video to with read only perms
line 3 shares /mnt/Audio to with rw perms..

sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

On the client (XBMC box)..

$ sudo aptitude install nfs-common
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/Movies /mnt/Tunes
$ sudo mount your_server_ip:/mnt/Video /mnt/Movies
$ sudo mount your_server_ip:/mnt/Audio /mnt/Tunes

To persist on reboot, add entries to /etc/fstab on your client (XBMC) box..

What is the size of your music library? What speed is the network link between the two boxes (Gigabit)? Is it on a switched network?
Thanks! I'll try this! My Music Library is really big. At least 30 Gigs worth of music or so. I'm linking though my wireless network. Playing my movies though it works just fine. Just my music and scrolling though my music while I'm playing it. So hopefully this works! Thanks again for the help!!

30 gigs shouldn't be a problem. Which version of XBMC and which skin are you using?
I'm using XBMC UBUNTU 9.10 with Transparency! Skin and whenever Ubuntu ask for the update for it I go ahead and let it update... (that's when I log off once a week from the XBMC onto the UBUNTU side and let it do an update..)

If you're still seeing issues, have a look at this thread that is specific to Transparency as well.
Hi, and, er bump. I'm having this exact issue except running on WinXP between windows shares (9.04 PMIII) - the classic-xbox (also running PMIII) has no problem browsing and queueing music whilst also playing, but the PC does, so confident that the server-end of things is not the issue

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Music stutters while playing and scrolling for other music0