OGG Stream - playback issues (Sofaspace, xbox)
I'm trying to get an OGG stream to playback on XBMC (26841 xbox). I've uploaded a .STRM file for the OGG stream as well as the .M3U files for both MP3 and OGG streams from the site:


The .STRM file contains:

If I play the OGG .STRM (using MPlayer default) or .M3U file it tries to cache 4096kB which takes a while. Playing the .STRM using PAPlayer will play it instantly. Playing the MP3 .M3U also plays instantly.

Is there a way I can set PAPlayer as the default for .STRM or OGG playback? Is there another way of tackling this?

I've also noticed that the stream keeps getting dropped (5-10 minutes).
Need debug log...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-

I rebooted and used PAPlayer to play the STRM file. It quit after about 3 mins.

This is a copy of a post I just made in the Xbox support forum in case you missed it:

Some more info on this.

If I play the OGG stream (STRM file mentioned above) using MPlayer (the default) it will play fine, but I have to wait until it caches 4MB. If I play it with PAPlayer, it will drop everytime there is a song change. This is info I received from the operator of SofaSpace:

"We've seen this with many players. It has to do with the way ogg delivers its meta data. It's basically a separate stream in the stream. The music runs on one long data stream without interruption and on top of that is another stream running that contains the meta data (title, artist, etc). When the title changes, the meta stream is interrupted and the player has to reinitialize that meta stream. Should not be too hard to do but some developers missed the point completely and reinitialize both streams. That does work with old ogg encoders as these were using a system similar to the mp3 way of delivering meta data. Newer encoders produce these multi-streams which older decoders can't handle. The player just stops or crashes. That's the drop you encounter after 5-10 min.

I'm affraid, there's nothing I can do to change that. I had the option to keep the 5 years old encoder and work around this problem or to use a newer version with much better audio quality. I went for quality because there are enough players out there that work as expected. So if your drops are actually caused by an old decoder, then the only chance you have is to update your player and see if it they fixed it. As more radio stations are updating their encoders, the programmers will eventually be forced to do the same. Or try a different player if available."

So is this true? PAPlayer reinitializes the OGG stream incorrectly?
Please create a Trac bug report about this issue. I think it's indeed a problem inside PAPlayer as the log doesn't reveal anything out of the ordinary....
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
It says that I need to login to create a trac ticket, but how do I register?

marstedt Wrote:It says that I need to login to create a trac ticket, but how do I register?


Use your forum username and password.

Done and done. Thanks.

Just trying this again with the new ogg playlist location:

PAPlayer still responds the same as mentioned above (no title, drops after a while / during title-change).

DVDPlayer does not display title, only shows "stream.ogg" and visulaization does not respond to the music.

MPlayer does not display title, but it does work with visualization and it does NOT seem to be dropping the stream. Interesting?

xbox build r30542 (2010-08-17)
Xbox is no longer supported on this forum. Please test using a mainline xbmc version...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-

Sofaspace ogg-stream still not working in Eden beta2,
would be nice if it could be fixed.


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OGG Stream - playback issues (Sofaspace, xbox)0