Streaming HD video using a gbit connection
Hi folks,

I am new to XBMC and this forum so you will have to excuse my lingo. Rofl

I recently purchased an ION 330 nettop for my new ENTPC which is currently connected to my TV. My old ENTPC is now in the office acting as a file server. I plan to stream all the content to my new nettop via gigabit switch (my house is wired). When transferring files through my home network I get speeds of up to 50MB/sec.

I've added all my content via network share function in XBMC on the nettop. The media shares are hosted on the file server. I can stream non HD content fine but HD (BluRay rips - anything over 4.5GB) is a bit choppy.

Is there a buffer function in XBMC that I can enable for streaming content through the network?

Thank you in advance.


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Streaming HD video using a gbit connection0