New Apple TV with 1.0 Software - Update or not? Which version? Best options?
New Apple TV with 1.0 Software - Update or not? Which version? Best options?

I got a brand new Apple TV in box (thank God) 2007 model with 1.0 Software.

Its as if it was never touched by the person who had it etc or whatever.

So, I set it up to update Software. It downloaded and then asked me if I wanted to

Update Now

I chose later because I wanted to make sure I kept the best / favorite Apple TV firmware.

What original firmware do you guys recommend? Especially before I hit the box with the XBMC patchstick.

Thoughts / ideas / appreciated Smile
first step, copy the contents of recovery to a safe place. Note I said copy and not dd.

Also, if it was running 1.0, then it has never seen any firmware updates. The safest way to get all the firmware updates applied is via Apple's update process. Just updating with osupdate and some atv.dmg does not update the other firmware bits.
I updated from AppleTV directly to 3.x. It took a while to download & install. Then I patched it with the ATV USB Patchstick creator for Windows.

Does the Mac patchstick have some tools / stuff that the Windows one is missing out?

Whats the correct / easy way to get the skins, plugins, & scrapers I want here.

PS: How do I copy as you have specified?
crashnburn Wrote:I updated from AppleTV directly to 3.x. It took a while to download & install. Then I patched it with the ATV USB Patchstick creator for Windows.

Does the Mac patchstick have some tools / stuff that the Windows one is missing out?

Whats the correct / easy way to get the skins, plugins, & scrapers I want here.

PS: How do I copy as you have specified?

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New Apple TV with 1.0 Software - Update or not? Which version? Best options?0