Features request -- support / arena status
i'm in the droves of people who can get xlink to work with pc ui, but not xbmc. to help diagnose my problem, it'd be great to have some of the support features (magnifying glass) of the pc ui.

i know you've started with the latest version. please continue!

also, i noticed with the pc ui that i can see many more games when i set my arena status (search/hosting/dedicated) to hosting. it'd be cool if we could do this with the xbmc ui.

anyway, please continue. i'd prefer to use xbmc with kaid, that has no default ui. yay for linux.
i think there may be a bug with the way we're setting hosting status (we do it automatically for you), will be looking into it tonight. the diagnostic sounds interesting, i'll ask thedaddy if he'll let us know how we can implenment the same feature.
XBMC Project Founder (Retired)

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Features request -- support / arena status0