Windows - XBMC 1080p playback and SD horizontal issue
Ok after reading some more this morning.. my issue is called Video Tearing. Playing a video in VLC has no tearing... Using either the defauly XBMC player to DSPLAYER both cause tearing...

Is there any hardware/software setup known while using XBMC that does not cause tearing? below are my specs

I'm using the following:
AMD Phenom II X4 940 (3Ghz)
onboard Video = ATI Radeon HD3200
System Info - Video - Screen Res: 1920x1080 1920x1080 @60 - Full screen 28Hz
Direct X vendor: ATI2dvag.dll
Direct 3D version:
Windows XP SP3
XBMC PRE - 10.5 r28256 (Mar 1, 2010)

I'm using the HDMI output from mb to TV screen.

Thank-you in advance!
Most videos are 24, 25 or 30 Hz (actually, some of the 24 is 23.98 and 30 is 29.97, but that's a technicality). Playing any of these back at anything other than an exact multiple of the framerate will exhibit stutter. Playing something at a bizzare framerate such as 28Hz (as you suggest) and not syncing to the framesync will cause both judder and tearing. Are you sure the display is @60 - Full screen 28Hz?
that's what System Info says... ?

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Windows - XBMC 1080p playback and SD horizontal issue0