xbmc live & itunes

i have xbmc live running on an asrock 330 pro.

Is it somehow possible to have itunes running in the background, such that i can select playlists through itunes on my laptop (music stored on the htpc, not on my laptop) and the itunes on the htpc will play it?

if so - how can i achieve that?

excuse me, but i didn't get exactly what you wanted to achieve. but if i'm right you want to install itunes on your linux based htpc?
well yes - and it shall run in the background of xbmc. so when i start my htpc, xbmc shall start normally - but i want that itunes also runs, just in the background, such that i can connect to it with my iphone or laptop and play my playlists
i guess you are not aware that apple is not releasing their software for linux?

but there is a solution, at least to connect with your itunes on your laptop to your htpc. have a look at this project (don't know its limitations). i used to use its predecessor mt-daapd):

- http://fireflymediaserver.net/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefly_Media_Server

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