Romanian Subtitles [Plugin]
Unfortunately the service is broken (they implemented a "protection" on their side). I'm trying to fix in the next days.

Messages In This Thread
Romanian Subtitles [Plugin] - by bonecrusher8 - 2010-05-25, 12:58
[No subject] - by sunday driver - 2011-03-24, 11:30
[No subject] - by Anonym - 2012-01-21, 08:59
[No subject] - by bonecrusher8 - 2012-01-21, 10:04
RE: Romanian Subtitles [Plugin] - by Anonym - 2012-03-25, 09:47
RE: Romanian Subtitles [Plugin] - by User 114742 - 2012-03-31, 22:56
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