Acer AR1600 unit only (no PSU, cables or manuals) $149, worth it?
So, as the subject says, I ran across this guy at a local Best Buy store. Normally I would not consider it but I have a pile of BB store credit so I would be able to get it pretty much for "nothing".

Is this even worth considering? I've searched around briefly and can't find a replacement power supply available and of course no way of knowing if it even works.

Maybe I can get them down to $100 though. Just want an ION box at this point to play around on with XBMC Live.
I think it would be too much trouble finding a replacement. I would just buy a new one.
Does anyone have the model number of the PSU for the Revo? From what I can see it should be a laptop PSU and I might be able to get one for as little as $20.

If I can get a PSU for $20 and get BB to drop the $100 for the unit I might just pick it up.

From the research I've done the AR1600 should be able to pass non HD audio out over HDMI and should play back even high bitrate 1080P MKV material without any performance issues.

In other words, a perfect throwaway box for XBMC hacking.
The PSU says..

Brand name- Hipro
Model #- HP-A065R3B
output voltage -19
amps- 3.42
Wow, that part number gets ZERO hits on Google.

Thanks for trying though.
voip-ninja Wrote:Wow, that part number gets ZERO hits on Google.

Thanks for trying though.

Sorry man its HP-A0652R3B
You can find something that will work on ebay for under $10 shipped.

Exact replacement:
compcentral Wrote:You can find something that will work on ebay for under $10 shipped.

Exact replacement:


I will see if I can talk the goons at BB down another $20 or $30 and pick it up!
Got them down to $125. With my reward zone crap I paid $50, so, done deal! Smile Thanks to everyone who helped.

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Acer AR1600 unit only (no PSU, cables or manuals) $149, worth it?0