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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents
I'm loving CP so far, I also like the IMDB script too.

It would also be nice to be able to have a priority of which qualities to download. For example I prefer DVD-Rips, but I would like it if it can't find a DVD-Rip then it will get the next best thing, say an R5 or whatever I choose, and it just moves down the list of each quality until it can't find any.

Sorry to mention it (you're probably sick of being compared), but kinda like SickBeard. You can have it download one quality first, and when it finds a better quality it replaces it.
See Settings >> Quality >> Create Custom quality Wink
RuudBurger Wrote:See Settings >> Quality >> Create Custom quality Wink

hey thanks I remember setting that up now, but now I'm confused - why do I have to set an initial quality if I've already done that to begin with? and what happens if I choose a different quality to the one I had at the top of my list?

also just to clarify, should I have my best quality at the top, or my worst?
Any word on the NFO writer fork?
Can full disk rips not be easily supported?
I don't understand what you mean Big Grin

Yes they can, I think. I have to check what the standards are for those.
That would be awesome if they were..... +1 for me to add full disk support, awesome software!!
"awesome tool! great. but i also miss the language selection tool i'd love to search only german releases" me too Smile
no rigistrations on NZBs.org at the moment Sad
and no API key on NZBMatrix.com for me ....
shit - what can i do ?
the greasemonkey userscript with 4c3a78a build is giving 500 internal server error when adding yet to be released films. films on current release are added ok. Windows build works fine.

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'name'
    log.info('Adding movie to database: %s' % movie.name)
  File "C:\CouchPotato\app\controllers\movie.py", line 156, in _addMovie
    self._addMovie(result, data.get('quality'), data.get('year'))
  File "C:\CouchPotato\app\controllers\movie.py", line 149, in imdbAdd
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "C:\CouchPotato\cherrypy\_cpdispatch.py", line 25, in __call__
  File "C:\CouchPotato\app\config\render.py", line 13, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\CouchPotato\cherrypy\lib\encoding.py", line 193, in __call__
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "C:\CouchPotato\cherrypy\_cprequest.py", line 660, in respond
20:52:07 ERROR [23/Oct/2010:20:52:07] HTTP Traceback (most recent call last):
  ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip,deflate
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  ACCEPT-LANGUAGE: en-gb,en;q=0.5
  COOKIE: showDetails=false; jqCookieJar_tablesorter=%7B%22showListTable%22%3A%5B%5B5%2C1%5D%2C%5B1%2C0%5D%5D%7D; session_id=8a7fbd14e06d5dc9d710477df6974fb110a6f52d
  USER-AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101023 Shiretoko/3.5.15pre
  ACCEPT-CHARSET: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
  ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
  CONNECTION: keep-alive
  HOST: localhost:5000
  REFERER: [url]http://localhost:5000/movie/imdbAdd/?id=tt1379164&year=2012[/url]
  Content-Length: 18
Request Headers:
20:52:07 INFO  [23/Oct/2010:20:52:07] HTTP
20:52:07 INFO  [.movie.sources.theMovieDb] TheMovieDB - Found: []
20:52:07 INFO  [.movie.sources.theMovieDb] TheMovieDB - Found: []
crashkid Wrote:no rigistrations on NZBs.org at the moment Sad
and no API key on NZBMatrix.com for me ....
shit - what can i do ?

http://www.nzb.su has been great! give it a try Smile

oh and FYI, you need to be VIP on NZBMATRIX.com to get API access Smile
darkscout Wrote:Any word on the NFO writer fork?

Yeah, I'm working on it right now. I got side tracked by some other projects earlier.

This will also include updating the XBMC library and doing notifications....just like sickbeard.

@RuudBurger: I'm not a web programmer by any means, and I'm definitely not familiar with CherryPy and whatever templating you're using.

I've got an XBMC section added to the config index.html, but I can't figure out how to make changes save. For example, by copying the other sections, I've added the following to app/views/config/index.html:

<fieldset class="xbmc inlineLabels">
                <div class="ctrlHolder checkbox">
                    <label for="">Generate meta info</label>
                    <input type="checkbox" name="XBMC.meta_enabled" value="True" ${' checked="checked"' if config.get('XBMC', 'meta_enabled') else ''} />
                    <p class="formHint">
                        Generate .nfo and download fanart if we do renaming.

This, of course, adds an XBMC section and a check box to enable/disable XBMC meta info generation.

I don't know how to get changes to that propagated out to the actual config object so they're saved to config.ini and available to my XBMC code.

Ignorance is my problem...as usual.
so I'm still a bit confused about quality settings. Will it search for all the qualities I have ticked in the settings, or just the one I search for at the start?

For example, I am looking for resident evil afterlife DVD-Rip. If the DVD-rip is unvailable then my next preference is 720p, bluray, screener, r5 and so on as I ordered them in the settings. However here is my result:
18:19:15 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident.Evil.Afterlife.2010.TS.Xvid-CLASSiFiED, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:15 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident.Evil.Afterlife.2010.TS.V2.XviD-PrisM, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:15 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident.Evil.Afterlife.R5.LINE.XviD-TWiZTED, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:15 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident.Evil.Afterlife.2010.R5.LiNE.XviD-Rx, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:14 INFO  [rovider.yarr.sources.nzbs] Searching: http://nzbs.org/rss.php?catid=2&i=**********************&age=300&q=Resident+Evil+Afterlife&action=search
18:19:14 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife 2010 TS XviD REViVE, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:14 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife 2010 TS XViD   IMAGiNE, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:14 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife TS XViD V2   IMAGiNE, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:14 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife TS XviD FLAWL3SS, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:14 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife 2010 TS V2 XviD PrisM, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:13 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife R5 LINE XviD TWiZTED, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:13 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife 2010 R5 LINE XViD FOX, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:13 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife 2010 R5 XviD playOFF, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:13 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife 2010 R5 LiNE XviD ViSiON, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:13 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife 2010 R5 XviD FLAWL3SS, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:13 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil Afterlife 2010 R5 LiNE XviD Rx, looking for DVD-Rip
18:19:13 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: Resident Evil   Afterlife   (2010) DVDRip R5 XviD English, looking for DVD-Rip

because me next best setting was say, R5 shouldnt it have picked it up?
I'll handle the html/config stuff for you, when you'r ready.
Could you make the config stuff CamelCase? XBMC.metaEnabled, so it fits in the rest of the config.

This is just a part of the log, after that it should search the next quality. Also, the best/most preferred quality should be at the top.
RuudBurger Wrote:@cosmicr
This is just a part of the log, after that it should search the next quality. Also, the best/most preferred quality should be at the top.

but thats my point - it didnt, it ignored all qualities except my preferred one (dvd-rip) which wasnt available so the movie wasnt downloaded.
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