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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents
folwarczny Wrote:Hello guys,

I have a problem with search results being grabed - can you please check this log:
02:34:52 INFO [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] NZB 'MOVIE 2010 720p BluRay x264 SiNNERS' misses the following required words:
02:34:52 INFO [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] NZB 'MOVIE 2010 720p BluRay x264 SiNNERS' misses the following required words:
02:34:52 INFO [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] NZB 'MOVIE 2010 1080p BluRay x264 CiNEFiLE' misses the following required words:
02:34:52 INFO [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] NZB 'MOVIE 2010 720p BluRay DTS DXVA x264 Rx' misses the following required words:
02:34:52 INFO [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] NZB 'MOVIE 2010 1080p BluRay DTSHD MA DXVA x264 Rx' misses the following required words:
02:34:52 INFO [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] NZB 'MOVIE 2010 1080p BluRay x264 EbP' misses the following required words:
02:34:52 INFO [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] NZB 'MOVIE MULTi 1080P BD9 x264 DUPLI' misses the following required words:

I am trying to download any quality, I am not using any required, possible and restricted words but nzb is not picked up - no matter what movie I look for - anybody had similar issue?

I am getting the exact same thing. Nothing in ignored, preferred or required words. Amazing program though Smile Looking forward to getting it working!
nzdbmatrix ?
Is the renamer only called the once? I updated to r28 last night. CP has snatched a film overnight and I see in the log that the renamer tried to move the file and rename it but the folder was in use by another process. Now if I do a force check it doesnt recall the renamer and try move the file as I would expect.

Bug or intentional? How can I make it retry rename?

Thanks Smile
This program is awesome!

I am having difficulty getting it to pull movies from nzbmatrix that I've confirmed are there, but I think that's a temporary glitch.

Anyway - CouchPotato is still awesome - here's why...it handles all post-processing for all movies found in the SABNZBD movie completed folder. And it gives me a URL for me to give my girlfriend to select the movies she wants.

Here's how I'm working around CouchPotato not pulling the movies 100% of the time.

In Chrome, I'm using https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detai...jfacbkkbod, which puts a little "Send to Sabnzbd" icon in nzbmatrix next to each nzb.


When you configure "Send to Sabnzbd", just make sure you put the default category as Movies.

That way, Sabnzbd will move the movie to the completed/Movie folder -where CouchPotato will handle post-processing.

Anyway, you find the movies you want on nzbmatrix, click "Send To Sabnzbd", and walk away! SABnzbd handles the downloading, and CouchPotato the renaming/ fanart etc downloading.

Hope that helps someone!
Hi, I'm having a lot of problems with my CP install. I've seen one other post on this forum (actually in this topic) with the same error in the logfile, but I couldnt find an answer.

The problem I'm having is that CP doesnt find any movies, it doesnt load movie information, no coming soon data etc. I got this error in the logs after forcing a new check:

23:18:30 ERROR [     app.lib.provider.rss] Error parsing RSS. not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 0

The link to the rss that's in the log (i wont post it due to login informatoin)works fine and gives some results (from nzbs.org). I tried turning off firewall / antivirus programs etc. but nothing helps.

Any tips? Thanks in advance Smile
RuudBurger Wrote:See line 410:
mName.replace(/·/g, "-");
The dot is bugging out Chrome. you can remove that and the userscript should work.

I have looked everywhere for the new script, and the R28 that I'm downloading from github is still crashing chrome. How do I get it working, or should I just load up R27. Thanks
My CouchPotato/SABnzbd+ seems to have problems fetching the NZB from NZBMatrix Sad

The same configuration is working fine to manually add NZBs and also works without any problems with SickBeard. Huh

Help please!
When disabling nzbmatrix, CP continues fine without an error?
CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader
For bugs & feature request go to Lighthouse. For questions & problems go to our support forum
steppedup Wrote:This program is awesome!

I am having difficulty getting it to pull movies from nzbmatrix that I've confirmed are there, but I think that's a temporary glitch.

Anyway - CouchPotato is still awesome - here's why...it handles all post-processing for all movies found in the SABNZBD movie completed folder. And it gives me a URL for me to give my girlfriend to select the movies she wants.

Here's how I'm working around CouchPotato not pulling the movies 100% of the time.

In Chrome, I'm using https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detai...jfacbkkbod, which puts a little "Send to Sabnzbd" icon in nzbmatrix next to each nzb.


When you configure "Send to Sabnzbd", just make sure you put the default category as Movies.

That way, Sabnzbd will move the movie to the completed/Movie folder -where CouchPotato will handle post-processing.

Anyway, you find the movies you want on nzbmatrix, click "Send To Sabnzbd", and walk away! SABnzbd handles the downloading, and CouchPotato the renaming/ fanart etc downloading.

Hope that helps someone!

Thanks for the info mate !
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bmcclure937 Wrote:My CouchPotato/SABnzbd+ seems to have problems fetching the NZB from NZBMatrix Sad

The same configuration is working fine to manually add NZBs and also works without any problems with SickBeard. Huh

Help please!

Same here. It finds them, but doesn't send them to SABnzbd

r28 won't even run for me now.

I get:

Quote:Error 500 Internal Server Error

Something unexpected has happened.

Thought I'd try install fresh and hopefully get renaming working correctly but i still have the same error. This is the log file from a fresh install:

08:59:52 INFO  [            app.config.db] Initializing Database.
08:59:53 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: dvdrip
08:59:54 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: cam
08:59:54 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: ts
08:59:54 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: r5
08:59:54 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: dvdr
08:59:54 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: brrip
08:59:55 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: 720p
08:59:55 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: 1080p
08:59:55 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: tc
08:59:55 INFO  [        app.lib.qualities] Creating custom=False quality: scr
08:59:55 INFO  [                   ENGINE] Listening for SIGTERM.
08:59:55 INFO  [                   ENGINE] Bus STARTING
08:59:55 ERROR [                   ENGINE] Set handler for console events.
08:59:55 INFO  [                   ENGINE] Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
08:59:58 INFO  [             app.lib.cron] Starting Cronjobs.
08:59:58 INFO  [er.yarr.sources.nzbmatrix] Using NZBMatrix provider
08:59:58 INFO  [rovider.yarr.sources.nzbs] Using NZBs.org provider
08:59:58 INFO  [ider.yarr.sources.newznab] Using Newznab provider
08:59:58 INFO  [provider.yarr.sources.tpb] Using TPB.org provider
08:59:58 INFO  [.movie.sources.theMovieDb] Using TheMovieDb provider.
08:59:58 INFO  [movie.sources.imdbWrapper] Using IMDB provider.
08:59:58 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.trailer] TrailerCron thread is running.
08:59:58 INFO  [    app.lib.cron.subtitle] SubtitleCron thread is running.
08:59:58 INFO  [         app.lib.cron.eta] MovieETA thread is running.
08:59:58 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Renamer thread is running.
08:59:58 INFO  [        app.lib.cron.yarr] YarrCron thread is running.
08:59:58 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Watched folder doesn't exist.
08:59:58 INFO  [                   ENGINE] Serving on
08:59:58 INFO  [                   ENGINE] Bus STARTED
09:00:01 INFO  [08/Feb/2011:09:00:01] HTTP
Request Headers:
  COOKIE: session_id=7d3229c2529a38c1838745520ce95c2df7010dfc
  HOST: localhost:5000
  CONNECTION: keep-alive
  ACCEPT: application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
  ACCEPT-CHARSET: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
  USER-AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.597.84 Safari/534.13
  ACCEPT-LANGUAGE: en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6
  ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip,deflate,sdch
09:00:01 ERROR [08/Feb/2011:09:00:01] HTTP Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "..\build\pyi.win32\CouchPotato\outPYZ1.pyz/cherrypy._cprequest", line 660, in respond
  File "..\build\pyi.win32\CouchPotato\outPYZ1.pyz/cherrypy.lib.encoding", line 193, in __call__
  File "C:/Users/Luke/AppData/Local/Temp/_MEI37442\app\config\render.py", line 14, in __call__
    return self.template.render_unicode(**env)
  File "C:/Users/Luke/AppData/Local/Temp/_MEI37442/library\mako\template.py", line 198, in render_unicode
  File "C:/Users/Luke/AppData/Local/Temp/_MEI37442/library\mako\runtime.py", line 403, in _render
    _render_context(template, callable_, context, *args, **_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))
  File "C:/Users/Luke/AppData/Local/Temp/_MEI37442/library\mako\runtime.py", line 434, in _render_context
    _exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
  File "C:/Users/Luke/AppData/Local/Temp/_MEI37442/library\mako\runtime.py", line 457, in _exec_template
    callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)
  File "_base_html", line 72, in render_body
  File "C:/Users/Luke/AppData/Local/Temp/_MEI37442\app\config\updater.py", line 118, in checkForUpdate
    self.updateVersion = update.get('name').replace('RuudBurger-CouchPotato-', '').replace('.tar.gz', '')
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'update' referenced before assignment

App has so much promise and I wish I could get it setup properly! Thanks for any help!
Stupid question but does CouchPotato do TV Series?
I know it does movie search really well.
But it doesnt seem to find my tv shows too well.
Is this right, its only for movies?
My full HTPC build log:
Core i3-2120T 2.6Ghz, 4gb Kingston DDR3, mSATA SSD, Moneual 312 Case, GT520 GPU
Jep it's only for movies.
You should take a look at SickBeard for TV Shows
Hey there, i have the same error as Smiffy does.... suddenly.. Have run it for a while... no problems but today it gives an internal server error.. even after a fresh install....

Help please!

flexelex Wrote:Hey there, i have the same error as Smiffy does.... suddenly.. Have run it for a while... no problems but today it gives an internal server error.. even after a fresh install....

Help please!


Check this... R29 released like 3 hours ago, fixed the 500 error for me.

From https://github.com/RuudBurger/CouchPotato/downloads
My full HTPC build log:
Core i3-2120T 2.6Ghz, 4gb Kingston DDR3, mSATA SSD, Moneual 312 Case, GT520 GPU
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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents11