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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents
My installation of CP does not seem to be able to lookup downloaded movies correctly. CP searches and downloads the movie okay, but renames the movie incorrectly each time. I've tested with a bunch of different movies and each one exhibits the same behaviour.

Looking through the log it appears that it is not sending the right query to themoviedb. After sending the file to Sab it then tries searching for 'Movies' which will always return that 'Movies, Aspirin and Vultures' item. It should be searching for the movie being downloaded, as with the initial search during movie discovery.

I'm running CP from git and using version, 0d1ff38, as of 2011-04-26.

Any ideas? My first thought was a permissions issue or such with the local db such that it is not storing the movie information for the renamer job to find.



08:19:31 INFO  [.movie.sources.theMovieDb] Searching: http://api.themoviedb.org/2.1/Movie.search/en/xml/9b939aee0aaafc12a65bf448e4af9543/no+strings+attached
08:19:31 INFO  [.movie.sources.theMovieDb] TheMovieDB - Found: [{'year': '2011', 'imdb': 'tt1411238', 'id': 41630, 'name': u'No Strings Attached'}, {'year': '2011', 'imdb': 'tt1411238', 'id': 41630, 'name': u'Sex friends'}]
08:19:31 INFO  [                   ENGINE] Started monitor thread 'Session cleanup'.
08:19:35 INFO  [    app.controllers.movie] Adding movie to database: No Strings Attached
08:19:36 INFO  [lib.provider.movie.search] Getting extra movie info for No Strings Attached.
08:19:38 INFO  [         app.lib.cron.eta] Searching page:1 VideoETA for No Strings Attached.
08:19:39 INFO  [ider.yarr.sources.newzbin] Searching: https://www.newzbin.com/search/?sort=ps_totalsize&category=6&ps_rb_source=-1&ps_rb_video_format=2097152&u_post_results_amt=100&feed=rss&u_url_posts_only=0&searchaction=Search&q_url=imdb.com%2Ftitle%2Ftt1411238&u_show_passworded=0&order=asc
08:19:39 INFO  [         app.lib.cron.eta] Scanning http://videoeta.com/movie/123054.
08:19:52 INFO  [er.yarr.sources.nzbmatrix] Searching: http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?username=XXXXXX&term=tt1411238&apikey=XXXXXXX&subcat=42&searchin=weblink&english=0
08:20:02 INFO  [er.yarr.sources.nzbmatrix] Found: No Strings Attached 2011 1080p BluRay X264 AMIABLE
08:20:02 INFO  [er.yarr.sources.nzbmatrix] Found: No Strings Attached 2011 1080p BluRay X264 Multi Subtox
08:20:02 INFO  [pp.lib.provider.yarr.base] Wrong: No Strings Attached 2011 720p BluRay X264 AMIABLE, looking for 1080P
08:20:12 INFO  [.lib.provider.yarr.search] Checking if https://api.nzbmatrix.com/v1.1/download.php?id=915311&username=XXXXXX&apikey=XXXXXX is valid.
08:20:23 INFO  [          app.lib.sabNzbd] Sending 'No Strings Attached 2011 1080p BluRay X264 AMIABLE' to SABnzbd.
08:20:23 INFO  [          app.lib.sabNzbd] URL: http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd/api?ma_password=XXXXXX&apikey=XXXXXX&name=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.nzbmatrix.com%2Fv1.1%2Fdownload.php%3Fid%3D915311%26username%3DXXXXXX%26apikey%3DXXXXXX&cat=movies&mode=addurl&ma_username=XXXXXX
08:20:24 INFO  [          app.lib.sabNzbd] NZB sent to SAB successfully.
09:08:10 INFO  [          app.lib.library] Searching for "Movies".
09:08:10 INFO  [.movie.sources.theMovieDb] Searching: http://api.themoviedb.org/2.1/Movie.search/en/xml/9b939aee0aaafc12a65bf448e4af9543/movies
09:08:10 INFO  [.movie.sources.theMovieDb] Found movie, but with no date, getting data from tt0373760.
09:08:12 INFO  [.movie.sources.theMovieDb] TheMovieDB - Found: [{'year': 2005, 'imdb': 'tt0373760', 'id': 43420, 'name': u'Movies, Aspirin and Vultures'}]
09:08:15 INFO  [          app.lib.library] Retrieved metainfo: {u'subtitle': [{u'compression': u'UTF8', u'language': u'English'}], u'common': [{u'duration': u'1:47:58', u'mime type': u'video/x-matroska', u'producer': u'mkv2rls v1.4 (date: 2011 mar 29)', u'endianness': u'Big endian'}], u'audio stream': [{u'language': u'English', u'compression': u'DTS', u'channel': 6, u'sample rate': 48000.0}], u'video stream': [{u'image width': 1920, u'image height': 800, u'compression': u'AVC'}]}
09:08:15 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Trying to find a home for: No Strings Attached (2011).mkv
09:08:15 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Creating directory /home/XXXXXX/Downloads/CouchPotato/Movies, Aspirin and Vultures (2005)
09:08:15 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Quality Old: 0, New 7831.
09:08:15 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Moving file "/home/XXXXXX/Downloads/sabNZBd/complete/Movies/No Strings Attached (2011).mkv" to /home/XXXXXX/Downloads/CouchPotato/Movies, Aspirin and Vultures (2005)/Movies, Aspirin and Vultures (2005).mkv.
09:08:15 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Moving matching subtitle.
09:08:15 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Moving matching subtitle.
09:08:15 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.trailer] Finding trailers for: /home/XXXXXX/Downloads/CouchPotato/Movies, Aspirin and Vultures (2005)
09:08:15 INFO  [    app.lib.cron.subtitle] Finding subtitles for: /home/XXXXXX/Downloads/CouchPotato/Movies, Aspirin and Vultures (2005)
09:08:15 INFO  [    app.lib.cron.subtitle] Start adding movies to subtitle search.
09:08:15 INFO  [    app.lib.cron.subtitle] Done adding movies to subtitle search.
09:08:16 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] XBMC metainfo for imdbid, tt0373760, generated
09:08:16 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Removing file /home/XXXXXX/Downloads/sabNZBd/complete/Movies/no.strings.attached.2011.1080p.bluray.x264-amiable.jpg.
09:08:16 INFO  [     app.lib.cron.renamer] Removing dir: /home/XXXXXX/Downloads/sabNZBd/complete/Movies in download dir.
RuudBurger Wrote:@gugahoi:
It's in "v2" already, but no ETA

Am waiting eagerly. On a different topic now, I've been having trouble getting the initd script to work. I'm a newbie to Ubuntu (10.10 btw) and keep getting this:

Quote:/etc/init.d/couchpotato start
Starting CouchPotato
start-stop-daemon: unable to chdir() to /usr/local/sbin/couchpotato (No such file or directory)

Couchpotato is installed in /home/USERNAME/.couchpotato/ which has already been modified in the script. But why is it looking into /usr/local/sbin/ ??

My initd file is this
Quote:#! /bin/sh

# Provides: CouchPotato application instance
# Required-Start: $all
# Required-Stop: $all
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: starts instance of CouchPotato
# Description: starts instance of CouchPotato using start-stop-daemon

############### EDIT ME ##################
# path to app

# path to python bin

# startup args
DAEMON_OPTS=" CouchPotato.py -q"

# script name

# app name

# user


############### END EDIT ME ##################

test -x $DAEMON || exit 0

set -e

case "$1" in
echo "Starting $DESC"
start-stop-daemon -d $APP_PATH -c $RUN_AS --start --background --pidfile $PID_FILE --make-pidfile --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
echo "Stopping $DESC"
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $PID_FILE

echo "Restarting $DESC"
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $PID_FILE
sleep 15
start-stop-daemon -d $APP_PATH -c $RUN_AS --start --background --pidfile $PID_FILE --make-pidfile --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
exit 1

exit 0
gugahoi Wrote:Am waiting eagerly. On a different topic now, I've been having trouble getting the initd script to work. I'm a newbie to Ubuntu (10.10 btw) and keep getting this:

Couchpotato is installed in /home/USERNAME/.couchpotato/ which has already been modified in the script. But why is it looking into /usr/local/sbin/ ??

My initd file is this

Nevermind, I got it to work in a fresh install.

My videos are not being populated tho.
There seems to be a bit of a problem with this at the moment, please see the below link to the pastbin from the log. For some unknown reason it replaced 127 Hours with Silence of the Lambs that had just finished.


Any ideas why this could have happened?
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hi there,

i'm kinda new to CouchPotato and i really love this program but there is one thing. CP just won't find (and add to SABnzbd) older movies in HD quality. for example i've added "Bad Boys (1995)" , "Casablanca (1942)" , "Twister (1996)" and even the 2009 "District 9" to my Wanted list.
They all got an BluRay release. I have nzbmatrix, newzbin and nzb.su as search engines and on alle these sites the movies are available as 720p BluRay Releases. When i'm looking for DVD Rips CP adds these movies instantly to SABnzbd.

more recent movies like "No Stings Attached (2011)" or "Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)" are no problem for CP.

I have premium accounts on the search engines, i have set the minimun size of 720p to 2gb, set the retention to 5000 days and told CP to ignore just the words "GERMAN and ger"

but i think (i hope) that i forgot something or did wrong...

thanks so much for your help ; )
just downloaded this as i heard good things from users. am i right to assume that i need a newsfeed with binaries to be able to use this? or is there an idiots guide to set this up? i see it can be used with torrents and i have a torrent client, but not sure what i'm really supposed to do.
I've just installed Python on my Windows 7 PC, to be able to run CouchPotato from the source, for easier updating etc..
A thing that annoys me a little with Python for windows is, that it opens an console window, which - when closed - also kills the CouchPotato service..
Now, the simple solution to avoid this console window is to rename CouchPotato.py to CouchPotato.pyw - no problemo - but will this then mess with the updating mechanisms? If so, is it too much to ask for an *.pyw-version, or just a simple wrapper, for windows users? Would be much appreciated! Smile
freaktm Wrote:I've just installed Python on my Windows 7 PC, to be able to run CouchPotato from the source, for easier updating etc..
A thing that annoys me a little with Python for windows is, that it opens an console window, which - when closed - also kills the CouchPotato service..
Now, the simple solution to avoid this console window is to rename CouchPotato.py to CouchPotato.pyw - no problemo - but will this then mess with the updating mechanisms? If so, is it too much to ask for an *.pyw-version, or just a simple wrapper, for windows users? Would be much appreciated! Smile

If I have been of help, please add to my reputation as a way of saying thanks, it's free.
Soo this new Blu-Ray.com RSS feature - is there any way to disable it once it's been enabled? Currently, what I've done is set "Minimum movie year" to 2200, cuz it keeps re-enabling itself Sad
Hi, ive tried reading the whole thread without finding an answer to my problem.

Im installing on a Popcorn hour C200 and all is good except that i get the following error in the logs

ERROR [     app.lib.provider.rss] Error parsing RSS. No module named expat; use SimpleXMLTreeBuilder instead

If there a way of using SimpleXMLTreeBuilder like it suggests?
Has anybody managed to get this to run on a popcornhour?

Thanks guys

How does the BluRay.com RSS feature work? Is it explained anywhere? It keeps adding movies that I already have in my collection. How can I stop that?

Ruud updated it last night so you can disable it now and it adds your default quality. As far as it grabbing films you already have, it looks like it needs some work BUT you have two choices if you use SAB and it is set to save your NZB's it should pause any duplicates. OR assuming you use XBMC the latest CP will check your XBMC library before adding a film, this seems to stop any more duplicates
where is this new feature at? i updated CP to Version: 3972b17 and dont see it anywhere?
Nvidia Shield with Kodi 18
The blue-ray.com feature is under extras and the XBMC library check is under notifications, you have to put the path to your database files
andyh69uk Wrote:The blue-ray.com feature is under extras and the XBMC library check is under notifications, you have to put the path to your database files

ok this is weird.. its not showing up. see below


I am running Version: 3972b17 which is the latest.
Nvidia Shield with Kodi 18
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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents11