Dell Zino HD good for XBMC?

at 599 w/ blue ray
what do you think about this system?
AFAIR these zinos have ATI/AMD 4330 graphics so I'd recommend windows & XBMC DSplayer builds; it's just too much hassle to get linux HD decoding working on these ATI GPUs


also keep in mind that there's no SPDIF out and no DVI

most of all I think that the price is just not good enough; you could get a similar zino HD system directly from DELL for more or less the same price

depending on what you're planning to do with the HTPC I'd suggest to get a dual core atom&ion system such as the acer revo or asrock
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I'm not very up to date with what AMD is doing these days, but HD decoding really shouldn't be a problem with this. My dell htpc has worse specs but plays 720p without trouble. Most 1080p I tried worked just fine too.
But I agree that the price is too high and in general I would advice nVidia cards for XBMC.

I think an important question for yourself is what are you going to play mainly and on what platform. Lack of spdif or dvi can be a dealbreaker to some and of no concern to others.
I was never really fond of the DELL Zino series to begin with; they should have paired some middle-class intel core 2 duo CPUs with integrated nvidia GPUs and keep a low price, but instead they completely went the AMD way and made the "HD" line too expensive. most of all, they were pushing these things as HTPCs but didn't even include IR. a regular Zino (without the "HD") could be a nice small office desktop substitute, but these HTPC-wannabes are just plain badly conceived.
dead on arrival. asrock 330 HT-BD is much better value for your money.
OpenElec Standalone --> Asus Chromebox 'Panther' --> Onkyo TX-NR709 --> Sony 55" X85C Android TV (also with Kodi!)
Asus Chromebox EZ Script
Kodi on Sony Bravia Android TVs
Hannes The Hun Wrote:asrock 330 HT-BD is much better value for your money.
no argument there. My current box serves me fine, but if I had to pick a new one now, I would definitely go for that.

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Dell Zino HD good for XBMC?0