Help: I can't use the web interface
Hello, I can't create a web interface to use xbmc from the web.
I'm using ubuntu lucid.
When I go to in Firefox and chromium them can't find the page.
If I try with my internet ip I get the same error.

I have enabled:

Control via http
Port: 8800
Allow programs in this system...
Allow programs in other system...
Announce this programs... using zeroconf

When I go to Firefox and chromium them cant find the page.

The packages installed (and updated) from the PPA of xbmc (

I have installed the next packages:

diego@diego-desktop:~$ dpkg --list | grep xbmc
ii xbmc 1:9.11-lucid2 XBMC Media Center (full metapackage)
ii xbmc-bin 1:9.11-lucid2 XBMC Media Center (binary data package)
ii xbmc-data 1:9.11-lucid2 XBMC Media Center (arch-independent data pac
ii xbmc-skin-confluence 1:9.11-lucid2 XBMC Media Center (Confluence skin)
ii xbmc-standalone 1:9.11-lucid2 XBMC Media Center (standalone program)
ii xbmc-web-pm3 1:9.11-lucid2 XBMC Media Center (Project Mahem III web ski

Can anybody help me?

are you trying to access the webui from the same pc as xbmc or a remote pc?

Thanks for your answer.

I tried from the same pc with xbmc minimized (localhost:8800, and with the dinamic ip:8800) and from my cell, using xbmc remote for android and also from the web navigator...

I can't open the web ui! Any idea?

Thanks again!

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