Stuttery video after time
Have got an interesting issue with XBMC.
I have had it on two different systems and basically after time (24 to 48 hours) video playback gets stuttery or jumpy. Eg like every second frame is being dropped.

My initial system was an HP D7700 with Nvideo 6600GT video on Server 2008.
Second system is AMD X4 6000+ with ATI HD 4700 video, 6gig ram and win 7 x64

During this playback CPU bearly registers activity. Almost like timings are out. A simple exit of XBMC and relaunch solves the problem.


It might might/not be releated to your problem, but I've seen something similar... it seems to be gone now (at least I think)..

similar issue

Like developer suggested plz provide a debug log when the problem occurs. Sorry I cannot help you more

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