Need help with screen size
Help! I'm a complete noob with XBMC Nerd

I successfully installed XBMC direct to my new Aspire Revo 3601. However, when It fully loaded and displayed on my TV, the XBMC interface is to large for the TV display and needs to be resized. I did play with the screen resolution setting in the system setting but that didn't fix the height/width dimensions.

When I first switched my Revo on (without the XBMC installed) it loaded into the pre-loaded windows 7 and was able to configure the display size using the Nividia interface - successfully being able to resize the height/width to fit my 42" screen.

The question is how do I change the display height/width setting of the XBMC interface to fit within the display size of my TV?

So...with doing a full install on the HD - it clearly wiped the Nividia drivers -

Can anyone help in guiding me what to do next? Confused Your help is greatly appreciated. I have searched high and low on this, but can't find anything!

Many thanks
Is your TV overscanning?

There were a few settings I changed all at once, so I don't remember very clearly. I'm pretty sure it was just video calibration in the settings. There was also the "use full screen rather than true fullscreen" option I changed.

Either way, it's covered in the wiki Settings->System Settings

Thanks for the help guys - yes it was overscanning.

I had previously tried the video calibration settings but didn't realize I had to "nudge" the keyboard arrows to resize the top and bottom corners.

This is what happens when you try to install XBMC at 1am in the morning! Eek

Now I just need to figure out how to get it connected to my wireless router! - Any suggestions where to start? Nerd

Many thanks for your help!

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