[Live] Dharma SVN Repo Installation - Required?
I know this may seem like a strange question, but I am slowly learning about Linux and so far have my Revo setup perfectly and am now wanting to put some add-ons on to it.

I've worn my fingers out with loads of googling and searching and have added the 'Unofficial Add-on Repo's from -


Now, I'm all loaded up with Dharma Beta 1 and just wanted to ask if I needed to add the old SVN_Repo_Installer to access it. Or is that pointless now?

Are the already available add-ons already installed into Dharma or do I need to install anything else to access more? I realise Dharma is new and the scripts/plugins are being changed to support it.

I just want to make sure I'm all up to speed when they become available. Smile
you just navigate to settings > addons> and pick and choose which one you want to install. its simple as that

Top banana. Thanks for clearing that up. SVN Repo already there then. Smile

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[Live] Dharma SVN Repo Installation - Required?0